
Well-Known Member
Apr 21, 2005
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Ive just seen Robbies new video on MTV (sorry if it aint new lol!!)
OMG. What and who does he think he is!??!! I think its total pants! What do you lot think? He needs to keep that hairy chest safely undercover!
Apologies if i upset any Robbie fans, but its just not him :shakehead:
I havent seen it yet but ill be keeping an eye for it now lol
I've not saw the video yet, only heard the song on the radio, all i can say is well it;s different!!

I'm always happy for a healthy sighting of his hairy chest! :twisted:
is this the rapping song. where he is singing about Tk Max and all sorts of crap things.
ha ha i saw this the other day and i was thinkin what on earth is he doing??

lol, i actually think it'll grow on me though, for the novelty of it if nothin else :D
sorry i think its cool

its robbie williams he can do anything and get away with it :D
Yup he is 'Rapping' about TK Max...........Jayzee he aint LOL :rotfl:
I agreee, USUALLY Robbie can get away with most stuff!
Dont diss the Robster!!!!


He is the man of my dreams! I saw bits of the vid earlier & love his hairy chest mmmmm oh to run my fingers through that! :pray:

Im going to see him next month, he is such an entertainer. I know he is a bit arrogant tho but I just have this school girl crush on him :oops:
:lol: He looks like Norman Wisdom, not what I call sexy!!!!! I love most of his stuff, but not this song!! What was he thinking?!
I like the lyrics to the song...
haven't seen the video yet.... but will probably still drooooool everywhere!
He looks like he's just wandered out of the local pub in the video, he looks a bit chubby and 'common' if that makes sense. Like a proper geezer ha ha :lol:
Dont like the song at all. Its too cheesy.

Not really a fan of Robbie anyway!
Tam said:
:lol: He looks like Norman Wisdom

:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: ... so true!!

Sadly, he's not my cuppa tea. He was here in SA earlier this year. My best friend went to his concert and said it's the best one yet!

Sorry Rob-o.... I like an "aero-dynamic" looking bloke!!
*ssshhhhh...goes off to secretly shave DHs' 3 chest hairs off*

Emilia xx

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