Ruby Pace Born 13/11/08 @ 08:53am Weighing 8lb 8½oz


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Mar 24, 2008
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Hello everyone :wave:

Well after an agonising 11 day wait Ruby finally started her journey into the world on Wednesday evening (12th Nov).

Wednesday - 9.30pm:

Usual nightly contractions started & they were every 6/7 minutes (had been having this regular nightly slot of contractions for 2 weeks nearly). Went to bed about 10.30pm & was woken at 11.15pm with a really painful contraction & went to the loo & had a BIG show! WOOO HOOO this is it !!!

Went down stairs to see if they continued & they did at roughly 6 mins apart & very painful, timed contractions until 1am, they were then getting closer together at roughly 3/4 minutes apart, rang delivery & they said to come down as my movements had been reduced during the day.

So took DD to my Mom’s & got to the hospital at 2am. They let me get settled & I put the TENS machine on. They did an internal examination at 3:30am & said I was 3cm but babys head wasn’t engaged so I might be in for a long night :doh: Great just what you want to hear!! Waters were still intact.

They put me on the monitor for an hour to check out baby & all was fine. MW got me the birthing ball to have a bounce on but it was agony so just walked around keeping mobile til about 7am.

7am - Contractions were now 2 every 5 minutes so I had a lie down & relaxed between contractions & turned TENS up!

8:15am - MW suggested I had a walk around & go for a wee & …………..OMG!! Had 3 big contractions in the space of getting in the toilet to getting back out…..having a contraction midway through a wee is not nice!! Waters then went.

8:30am - Started howling like a Wolf apparently at this point, OH called midwife in & she had just swapping shifts so was trying to catch up on what was happening with me. Had really bad ’Back Passage movement feelings!!’ & felt like I needed to push, was due to have another examination so MW suggested I got on the bed, I could hardly walk let alone climb onto a bed! Contractions were back-to-back at this point & OH & MW had to literally lift me onto the bed to get on all 4’s I told the MW I needed to push & at that point my OH, bless him, said do you think she’s going to have baby in the next few hours, she replied with ‘Next few hours??…no it will in the next few minutes - press the orange button now I need another MW’

8:45am -At this point I was pushing through the contractions & the other MW came in & they said they could see babies head!!
Had a few good contractions & pushed & blew like hell through them & then Baby Ruby entered the world at 8:53am!! I cut her cord has OH is very Sqeaumish. That was a lovely experience. Ruby then blacked pooed everywhere which wasn't such a lovely experience :puke: .

It was all very quick (thank God) & I feel very proud to have done it this time with just TENS machine (had Epidural with 1st DD, a long 48 hour labour & a 2nd degree tear).
So happy it was over with quick & with no stitches :cheer: .

Ruby Pace weighed 8lb 8½oz - was 55cm long & is just perfect!

We are just getting to grips with Breast Feeding & we are both doing really well, she just sleeps & wakes to feed every 3 hours. My little angel :angel: .

Here are a few pic’s:








well done you :clap: :cheer:

Cant see the pics hun :(
Congratulations and welcome to the world Ruby :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:

I cant see the pics tho.

great birth story hun made me laugh and cry lol

cant see the piccys though. :(

Congrats again

Emma xx
Oh no...I hosted them through photobucket can anyone suggest how else I can host them??
Sat here with big fat happy tears runnin down my cheeks - so happy for you darlin :D :hug: :hug: :hug:
I can see them! :cheer: She is beautiful! Congratulations again hun!
Huge congrats!

I adore the last pic of your 2 beautiful daughters!!

Great name choice too :wink: :lol: xxx

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