Ruby Ann Emily Allison - born 2nd November at 12.35am


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May 19, 2008
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Hello girls, havent got long so will post a quick birth story.

Saturday 1st Nov i was down at our new house with Danny painting the living room, had no pains or anything all day. that night, about half 7, we had a takeaway - first time i had ever ate it all - i was starving! next thing, about 8 i started with like period pains, i asked Danny to take me for a drive in car but the pain got worse so he brought me home, we went over to our new house so i could have a bath (as advised by midwife when i rung), think i was in the bath about 10 mins before i jumped out in pain, it was an awful pain, i tried to get ready as Danny was really worried becuae at this point i was bleeding an awful lot, and my waters had not broken so i was sooo worried something was up.

I didnt even have chance to dry my hair (trust me! lol) and had the towel still on my head, had an old top on and Dannys tracksuit bottoms on!!

Dannys mum and dad raced over to the house to pick us up to take us to the hospital. whilst in the car i was literally screaming in agony, it was awful!

got to the hospital about 11.55pm and they examined me, i was full dialated and couldnt have an epidural which i soooo wanted!!!! they took me into a room and the contractions were getting worse, i could only have gas and air and it didnt help the pain whatsoever, the pain was unbearable and i thought i was litterally dying it was that bad!!!! anyway, 40 mins later, at 12.35am, my beautiful daughter, Ruby Ann Emily was born weighing 7lb 15 and a half (so half an oz off 8lb). She had jet black hair and was the most gorgeous baby i have ever seen, i was sooo proud!!!

I still had my towel on my head all the way through - bet midwifes thought i was a right mess lol.

I had to have stitches as i had 3 tears and im still in pain, although its nearly gone now.

Ruby is ever so good, sleeps and eats, never cries and lets mummy and daddy have a good nights sleep - last night she slept from 11-5am then had a sleep and slept again until gone 10am!!!

I am the proudest mummy in the world and i am soooooooooooooooooooooooo happy!!!!!

heres a picci of our gorgeous daughter the day after she was born.

congratulations again hun and she is beautiful can see why your proud, will def have to meet for a coffee
Aw hun, she is just gorgeous. Congratulations and glad you had a very speedy labour. I'm hoping labour with my second is as fast as my first :wink: :hug: :hug:
Well done sweety she's beautiful!!! :D And congratulations to you both :hug:
She is beautiful, so happy for you Leanne.

Congratulations to you and OH :cheer:

xxxxxx :hug:
Huge Congratulations, and she is absolutely beautiful - no wonder you are so proud!

Thanks for makng me smile, the thought of you in labour with a towel wrapped around you hair really cheered me up! :D
wow i cant believe how much your little one looks like me when i was a baby :eek: the resemblencs is amazing i am going to see if i can get a pic off my mum to show you lol.

Congrats we were all worried about you glad your all home and well enjoying being mummy :D
congratulations on the birth of baby ruby, she was born 18 years and a minute after me :lol: :lol: :lol:
Aww she is beautiful hun! Congrats on the speedy labour! Thats fantastic! :cheer: :hug: :hug: :hug:
awwww hunny, fab birth story :hug:

Ruby is georgous so happy for you + danny :hug: :hug: :hug:
she is absolutely gorgeous Leanne,congrats to you and Danny :hug:
So pleased to hear your news! I was wondering when you had her. Congratulations, she is gorgeous and welcome Ruby :wave:

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