

Well-Known Member
May 20, 2006
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I see alot of posts on here about mothers worried about there new borns not in routines, just wanted to say Alastair is 5 months 2 weeks and he has just got himself in a routine :D

So if ur worried hang in these babies do things in thier own times :D
I absolutely agree, Leorah made her own routine as much as we tried there was just no forcing it! We gave up in the end and trusted things would settle down and they did. She made her own bedtime rituals and also lead the way for her naps etc, its so less stressful that way too :)

Sophie isn't it lovely to have a bit of structure now :hug:
Yea :rotfl: bloody lovely :rotfl:

and he is going to sleep in his cot during the day and i can put him down awake and he is falling a sleep himself he is doing really good, my good tiny little boy :hug: :hug: :hug:

just need sophie to stop saying NO ! mammy and life will be good :rotfl:
I totally agree....I dont beileve there is any point in trying to make a routine for your baby, because they are going to choose there own anyway...except bedtime of course..thats one I did :wink:
I'm not a fan of enforced routines. Thea eats when she likes, sleeps when she likes and gets picked up when she cries lol. I have a happy baby who is lot less work than some of the babies my friends have who follow these Gina Ford routines!

Thea has developed her own sort of routine, she naps at roughly the same time during the day but it can give or take a couple of hours. She also doesn't get upset if things change.
Some babies respond well to a routine, others hate it. I let Brody tell me what he wanted. :)
urchin said:
Some babies respond well to a routine, others hate it. I let Brody tell me what he wanted. :)

Same here Ewan deveoped his own routine from about 4.5 months
The best thing I did for us was put Leorah for naps in her pushchair as it means she will nap wherever we are. She doesn't have any set times that she does anything but its more or less the same everyday. She does make sure her bedtime is the same everynight: Pyjamas on, 4oz of EBM from Dad, nappy change, songs and quiet play, sleeping bag on, another 4oz fróm Dad. The other day DH was out for the evening and I had a bit of trouble, she didn't want to take the bottle from me and kept looking over to where her and Daddy sit in the evening. This is great for me though, I can go out in the evening no problem (if there was somewhere for me to go :lol: )

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