Routines whilst on holiday


Well-Known Member
Aug 19, 2008
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Just wondered if anybody could help me.
I have a 4 month old girl and for the last month and a half we have had her in a night time routine of having a bath at 5.30, bottle then sleep by 6.30. she is really happy with this and sleeps great.

We are going to Germany next month to see my Fiance as he is away working for 4 months. we are staying in a hotel, but im a bit worried how i am going to keep some sort of balance with her routine and being away as we would prob quite like to go out in the evening and maybe put her down a bit later.

How have any of you dealt with this?

Hi, I took Chloe to Turkey when she was younger and kept her routine the same as at home but instead of putting her down in her cot I put her in her pushchair. I bought a shade from Mamas and Papas that you can attach to the pram that makes it dark so we took her out in the evening in that. I always find that when abroad they love babies so shouldn't be a problem for you, they would happily change round the restaurant to fit the pram in. Hope you have a lovely time.
We've taken Isaac camping from a young age and did try and put him down in his buggy and stay out in the evening but it really upset him and I ended up taking him to bed. So really I'd say if you are in a good routine then I'd stick to it. Plus, and just my personal opinion, I don't like seeing babies out asleep in buggies in bars at all hours when they should be tucked up in bed. Not saying thats what you would do of course :) I also wouldn't put them down and then leave them and go out, we all know too well what can happen then :(

So yeah, I'd say stick to your routine :D
I was worried about this at Xmas. We had to do a lot of relative visiting over a 2 week period so her routine was quite out even though I tried to stick to regular bottle times and had the travel cot for the evenings. She was OK for a week but the last few days of visits to different people her rotuine was well out and she just wouldn't settle as there was too much going on and Xmas day she was a misery guts. On the Sunday after xmas we were at my aunt's and she just screamed as she was so tired but wouldn't go to sleep, also had an upset tummy as she had got herself stressed. We left and she fell asleep in the car seat on the way home then slept all night, the next day she woke up had a bottle then slept for the WHOLE day :shock: waking at 4pm for a few hours then back to bed at normal bedtime at 7pm.

I would say go out in the evening but I personally wouldn't do it every night while you're away as you might end up with a miserable baby the next day which is not fun.
thanks guys. we wouldnt want to take her into bars or anything or stay out late, but we are staying in a hotel and if she is fast asleep by 6.30 then we are going to have to have the lights off and just watch the tv and order room service. think maybe will try an early meal one night and if that doesnt work just stick to the original routine.
Not got anything to add really but we went to france just before Christmas and Isaac was 4 months old then. We stayed in a hotel and when we put him down for the night he slept in a travel cot in the bathroom :lol: thankfully the toilet was in a separate room so that worked. We just ate out for dinner at lunchtime so we didn't feel we were missing out in the evening. We used the evening as an opportunity to wind down and relax. If it does help though, going there and coming back his routine was completely out of whack, but he settled straight back into it the next day. Hope you have a good time! :hug:
lexi is in a simarlar routine shes in bed for 7 every night. i went to haven a lil while back with my family and so we went out to the entertainment at night and i was a lil worried about routine but she was fine sleepin in the pram... when we got home she automatically got back into her own routine like we'd never been away xxx
i would stick to your routine if possible!!!!
we went to haven in september, jack was in a fab routine before we went
4 months on he still isnt back in his routine its a nightmare!!!! :wall: :wall:
I worried about this on our first holiday as it was when my now 3 year old was 5 months and he had just started sleeping through. We had a balance of staying in and going out later (to family bars/restaurants). On the evenings out when he was under one i would give his milk as normal in the pram and he usually slept as normal till we transferred him to the cot once home. As he got older he'd stay up later with us as he loved playing with other kids etc.

Weve been abroad 4 times with him as each time he settles back into his routine once home. His sister has too.

I think a balance is whats needed. I could think of nothing worse that going on holiday to be stuck in a hotel room from 7pm every night. Id rather be at home in a bigger space.

Have a lovely time hun. :D
Also, Just noticed your lo is 4 months and i remember worring about this the first time i took him away too. I think you'll be surprised at how she adjusts. :D

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