

Well-Known Member
Feb 1, 2007
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My 6 month old is in no routine wotso ever.she goes to bed the same time as me.which means she just falls sleep downstairs then i carry her up wen i go.and im a single parent so most nights she sleeps in my bed! In the mornings she wakes at between ten and twelve! I give her dinner and tea at different times this bad?do baby's need routine?i do think sometimes i am too chilled with her! I just cant get into the bath bottle n bed routine! Am i a bad mum?
No, you sound like a lovely mum!!! :hug:

We got Ruby into a routine from day one and it worked for us, she slept through from 7 weeks and has always been in her own room.

My sister has never been able to get her LO into a routine and it doesnt bother them.

Do what feels right for you both, Ruby loves her routine, she scrambles up the stairs now squealing in delight for her bath before bed!!! And we get some relaxation time when she is in bed too which is a bonus :lol:

I have mine in a routine but only cos we have to get up in the morning early anyway. If you don't have to be any where early and it suits you to take her bed when you go I wouldn't change it. I need my peace in the night and look forward to the kids going bed so I can have a couple of hours to myself but thats just me.
some babies dont like routine, some thrive on it - only u as her mum can know when shes hungry, sleepy etc so just follow her lead really, she might be gettin herself into a routine of sorts so just go with the flow and enjoy her!
You're not a bad mum... as the others said every baby is different... Only thing is a routine is invaluable when they start nursery or school (it makes things SOoooo much easier)... and it's easier to implement a routine when they are tiny than older when they fight you at everything or they are at the "no" stage.. :roll: But thats not really for the child's sake.. its more for your sanity.... :rotfl:

If both of you are happy with what you are doing then I'd say stick with it... :)

:hug: :hug: :hug:

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