Routine for a 5 week old


Well-Known Member
May 2, 2006
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Was wanting some advice. Olivia is 5 weeks old and has a regular feed pattern in the day 9, 1, 5, 8, 11 and she is on 4oz each feed. She still seems to sleep most of the day and early evening and only really wakes for a feed and when we go upstairs in the evening to watch TV. We go upstairs at about 9 ish and she stays awake until 11.30. I really want to get her into a bedtime routine but not that late.

Where do I start? Do I keep her awake in the day a bit more which is difficult or any other advise would be appreciated.

Hannah X
try giving her a big bottle and a bath before you put her to bed that might help xx
Agree make a proper bedtime plan, ie if she feeds at 8, at 7pm take her for her bath, then after she is bathed and has the bottle at 8 put her in her bed, even if she is awake, make sure the room is dark. after a few days she will realise this is bedtime and although will wake for her next feed make sure you do that with as little fuss and in a relatively dark room and little eye contact. She will grasp it quickly if youare consistent, its difficult for the first few days but will work if you stick with it.
I've read that newborns can't distinguish between night and day until at least 8 weeks old, so you need to bear that in mind. It's quite normal for them to be awake when it's late at night or the middle of the night.

But yep, you could try and establish a bedtime routine as others have said.
i never gave ellis a routine he made his own and one day i realised he was doing the same thing at the same times... i think he was about 3 months xxxxxx
Leorah also developed her own routine and its still changing now. She has always gone tobed late but she is naturally bringing it forward hersef. It started off at 1am and we are down to 9/9.30pm now :cheer:

I think getting her up at 8am to start the day every morning really helped distuinguish between day and night. Good luck :)
Alfies been sleeping through since 7/8 weeks old and now he sleeps 14 hours a night going up at 5 for bath feed bed then up at 6 for a feed back dwn till 8, he did used to just go 5.30 - 6 now he has a feed and sleeps till8 like i said, i think if you keep to the same bedtime pattern the rest will follow, i always had a good night time routine and he pretty much made up his own routine in the day now he has basically made his own daytime routine and he is so easy going and laid back hes jut a happy little man :hug: it will all slot into place soon a bit like a jigsaw puzzle

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