Round Ligament Pain

First Baby White

Well-Known Member
Nov 11, 2007
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Hi Everyone,

Hope you are all well and looking forward to the new year!!!
Just a quick question, has anyone experienced round ligament pain?
I am 11 weeks today and since yesterday I have had intermitant stabbing pains on my right hand side, went to the doctors yesterday and have been put on antibiotics for a UTI but I have been reading up on the pain and have read alot about round ligament pain which starts from wk 8- wk 16 and wondered if this could be it as well.
If you have has any experience please let me know!!
Thanks all!!!
hi hun, i got this a lot earlier on, now i get a little twang nown again, especially if i stretch too far etc :)

if you don't think you have a UTI don't take the anti-bi's - no need to pollute your body with them if their not needed.

doctor tried to give me them when i had abnormal bleeding - even when i told them it was vaginal, so def not a UTI :wall:

do you have pain when peeing/blood etc? xxx
I had that sort of pain in the early stages, it sounds like it's just stretching of ligaments as you've read. Did the doc test your wee? I wouldn't have thought he would prescribe something for a UTI for no reason..I'm the Queen of UTIs and sometimes it can be so mild you can hardly notice it. Even a trace of blood/protein in your wee needs to be treated, especially if you're pregnant, just to be on the safe side.
They tested my urine with a dip stick and couldnt find anything but the dc said they arent very reliable so she is sending it off to be grown!!! that takes till thursday and by then i will have finished the antibiotics course so she said it was worth while doing just in case!!
Just wanted to check if anyone else had had these pains this early??
I tend to have them in the right side but if i sit down they go!!!
The reason they think i have a UTI is when i pee i get an aching pain above my pelvis bone where your bladder is and also i had a slight pink tinged discharge after peeing, sorry if TMI so not sure whats going on lol
Didnt think being pregnant would be so worrying, i had a silly idea that you get pregnant, grow a bump and thats it ha ha if only!!!
there's so many worries isn't there :rotfl:

if you have the aching pain then i would take the anti-bi's, i've just had personal experience of being prescribed medication for no proper clinical reason, however you are defo best being safe than sorry hun :hug:

let us know the results you get back.

my ligament pain was usually in the right side too, i think there are 4 ligaments, lower left, lower right, then higher left, higher right, so it does sound as if it could be ligament pain :hug:
lol d/w i think that's what everyone thinks at first! Really sounds like stretching pains you are getting, and the other pain sounds a bit like a UTI, specially the pink tinge..better to be safe then sorry with the medicine!
You;ll get so many odd pains throughout. SOme are scarier than others but you will get used to them. Unless they have you crippled over in pain, I wouldn't worry too much :D

I still have RLP now!

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