rough week!


Well-Known Member
Nov 27, 2006
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Well - what a rollercoaster of a week we have had since I registered last Monday....

Had exceptionally awful pain in my abdomen and so went to the 24 hr doctors surgery in our local hospital. Was told I was showing all the symptoms of an eptopic pregnancy and had to go back the next morning for an internal ultrasound, which was inconclusive so had to have blood tests, wait two days and have another ultrasound, whilst still having chronic pain..

It seems my bean had grown in the two days and my hormone levels have increased as the Gyne consultant was expecting, so risk of it being eptopic are hopefully over.

She gave me antibiotics as she then thought maybe I had a urinary tract infection... and these made me even more ill - black outs, diohrea etc.... so I have stopped taking them after two days and losing 9lb!

Going back on Tuesday to see the consultant again, I am convinced it is just "growing pains"- my bits and bobs stretching and I have just had a rough deal of it........ I have had no bleeding and am fit and healthy otherwise so fingers crossed x
Oh topbird - all my love goes to you. What a tough week you've had.

I am so hoping that everything is okay for you now - take care and make sure your OH looks after you. I hope you are off your work?

Keep us in touch with how you are getting on.

Valentine xx
Thanks Valentine

I was off Tues - Friday last week, think I will go back tomorrow as I am feeling a lot better now the antibiotics are out of my system.

Am the world's worst lier and I do not get on with my boss (arrogant male, thinks woman are only good for typing and washing up etc...) so not looking forward to having to come up with a story as to what was wrong with me or get more time off for the hospital appt on Tuesday....
Hi topbird,

I know exactly what you mean - however, you are fully entitled to be off if you are feeling this poorly and have appointments etc - do you have a sympathetic female colleague you could talk to who could mediate for you? Have you told anyone at work you're pregnant?

Visit the Working Families website ( to find out more about your rights at work when you are pregnant.

Thinking of you - lots of love

Valentine xxx
Hello Topbird!

Haven't chatted to you yet, so hello and congrats on your pregnancy! :wave: Looks like we're due around the same time :cheer:

I am so sorry you haven't been able to relax yet. Hope you're feeling better now and that your bean is developing nicely! :hug:

I decided to tell my boss pretty much as soon as I found out. My last pregnancy ended suddenly (before I could tell her) and I needed time off for scans/tests and a couple of days to get over it. I thought it was best to spill the beans straight away this time because I knew I would be at the hospital for any slight concern I had this time round.

Luckily for me, my boss is a really lovely woman, who has told me to put the baby first and work second.

It must be a real pain having a chauvinistic pig of a boss. I like Valentine's idea of finding a sympathetic female to mediate...any chance that might work?

Don't let him worry you about staying off or doing what is right for you or your child!
Some men, honestly!! :evil:

hi hun sorry you have had a rough week hope this week is better for you sending you big hugs :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
thanks for all your messages - is very exciting to meet people due around the same time as us :)

Boss was fine and my lie was convincing - so worried unduly - not telling work until after Christmas!

will let you know how I get on tomorrow

went great today! everything is fine, baby definitely in the right place, they even saw the baby's heart beat :D

gave us a ocpy of the ultrasound though it is a tiny blob of black with a bit of white on, it is still very cool!!

so panic over, thank god! trying not to fall asleep at my desk now, not slept well all week worrying!

Pain has stopped too - consultant is sure it was just extreme growing pains perhaps coupled with a bit of constipation that caused it

thanks for all your concern guys.

So happy all is well !! Are you gonna post your pic?
Take care
thats great hun im glad everything is going ok and that you got a scan and pics :hug: :hug:
im glad everything is ok :D must be such a weight lifted.

yes can we see the scan :)
Hiya :wave:

What a huge relief it must be for you! Im glad things are ok, isn't it exciting when you see the heartbeat for the first time? :D
great news...try and catch up on some rest
ah thanks everyone!

will try and scan my scan in and post it - though am having another one in 2 weeks so might wait till then, be a bit more to show you - is a black blob at the moment.....

decided to tell our parents this weekend. Is so hard lying to them about why I have been off sick and having hospital appointments....

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