

Well-Known Member
Nov 9, 2007
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Right I am so unorganised and leave everything till I have a million things to do and get stressed over it, I am thinking of doing a rota so I am more organised, kinda give me a job to do each day then set aside a certain time/day to go into town that type of thing.

Do you think that is silly? When I think of a rota I think of being a teenager and my mam giving me one for my jobs :lol:
I tryed this..... but got myself so unorganised.. I forgot about it! :doh:
I think this is organised - not silly. I find if I don't have lists then I am so busy stressing about WHAT needs to be done I find it hard to concentrate on what I AM doing - and get less done. It's also what i do at work to make sure I don't forget anything.

I LOVE ticking things of my To Do list as I realise how much I have got done as well. I carry a notebook around with me to jot things down as I think of them. It frees my head up for other things. (And re: your other post - it stops me being so anxious all the time as well).
Sounds like a great idea to me :) i write lists for everything, even if i don't use them it helps me organise myself!
i do it for dinners.

i write down what dinners we are going to have each night... makes shopping loads easier as well!!

i have it stuck on my fridge!!
I definitely agree with Tadpole - a list of things to do is the way to go.

I often write a to do list for the following day every night (I write a new one most evenings as I don't like them messy with things crossed out on them!) and then don't refer to it the next day - but find that I am more likely to do the things if I write them down. I also write longer-term to do lists of things that I am planning to do, but not tomorrow - I know that sounds batty, but it works for me. I know that I'll do these jobs sometime soon, just not tomorrow.

My to-do list could (and does) read

* Email X and X
* PM Sherlock and happy_chick
* Clean kitchen
* Go to post office
* Order photos
* Plant windowboxes
* Research car seats

etc etc

I definitely agree that it helps me feel less anxious and overwhelmed by my jobs and responsibilities and much more in control.

Give it a try!

Valentine Xxx
Sam&Alice said:
i do it for dinners.

i write down what dinners we are going to have each night... makes shopping loads easier as well!!

i have it stuck on my fridge!!

Ditto - I do this too. Write a meal plan then go shopping and buy what I need - always buy extra (BOGOFs etc) but at least I've got what I need for my meals.

Valentine Xxx
valentine said:
Sam&Alice said:
i do it for dinners.

i write down what dinners we are going to have each night... makes shopping loads easier as well!!

i have it stuck on my fridge!!

Ditto - I do this too. Write a meal plan then go shopping and buy what I need - always buy extra (BOGOFs etc) but at least I've got what I need for my meals.

Valentine Xxx

i always add a spare meal to the weekly list- something that can be cooked form frozen etc.... that way if we don't fancy what ive got down for that day, we have a choice :D
aww I feel much better now.. going to do one this week I think :cheer:
I make lists..... that's as organized as I get :lol:
It is a great idea Sweetcheeks24 :cheer: I really hope it all works out for you and stops you feeling stressed, very best wishes with it :hug: :hug: :hug:
Nope I think it's a fab idea!

I'm really unorganised too and kept forgetting times etc so I bought a breast cancer organiser from Ebay, I LOVE it! x

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