

Well-Known Member
Aug 16, 2006
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During the night especially Jaida doesn't seem to want to settle for me. I feed her, burp her, change her nappy, feed her a little more, burp her again, then all she seems to do is root so I put her on the breast and she falls asleep, then when I take her off and try to burp her she wakes up and roots again. How can I stop this comfort feeding?
Its natures way of getting your supply established hun...let her suckle as much as you can... Its comfort feeding but its also her way of making sure your body produces enough milk in the future... they eventually stop comfort feeding... :)
What Squig said :)

Let her root and comfort suck for a while. She is very small and in the first few weeks a baby lives on your boob. Once your supply is established and settled down she'll spend a bit less time there.

The first 6 weeks are hard, no way to deny that. So go with the flow and let your baby guide you as to how much and when.

FWIW Galen used to do this also and feeds would last 3 hours plus often. He also comfort sucked and used to hate to be taken off my boob or for me to put him down to sleep away from me. But remember your baby is doing what nature intended. In those early weeks especially they like to be close to you as it comforts them. Heartbeat, smell, sound, it all comforts your baby and helps them settle. Along with the demand feeding its an important thing for them.

Also, she sometimes goes for hours between feeds, then other times its only about 45 mins? Is this ok? I mean I cant force feed her, and she does seem content enough between feeds
(once she finally decides shes had enough comfort sucking), but I still worry that she should be feeding more often, especially when she ony has about 15mins of feeding a time.
aww i know its hard work but id say just let her suckle suckle suckle, shes prob upping your supply bless her xxx Take advantage and kick your feet up and relax :hug:
be damned if I know how to top it! Alex still roots at night - that's why he still co-sleeps lol ;)
Go with the flow hun and dont worry, its early days yet. I got quite stressed out trying to get Eva to feed for longer than 10 mins at a time before I realised this is just the way she does it, she is still quick now. You will find a bit more of a rythm to feeding as time goes on and feel more confident knowing when she is hungry but it takes a few weeks. Try and chill out and use it as a good excuse to laze around with LO and rest, wish I could still get away with it! :D

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