Baby not settling at night


Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2007
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Not sure if anyone can help but my LO just doesn't settle at night time. She nornally has 2-3 bottle feeds at night but after each feed she seems to have wind where we are tryinging ti wind her for an hour or so, even then once she has burped she still doesn't settle as she wants to burp again.

During the day she is fine but I dont know what happens to her at night and I'm a bit worried as she can be up for about 4 hours until finally she decides she wants to sleep. She's only 10 days old. Any advice would be great.
Have you tried infacol before a feed?

I can't be much more help I'm afraid as Ryan was breastfed so didn't get too bad with wind, and if he did struggle then infacol fixed it...

I have not tried that where can I get it? and what does it do?
I Would Suggest Trying Other Things To Settle Your Baby Before Trying Infacol As It Can Cause Really Bad Constipation. My Baby Is 12 Days Old & Does The Same Thing.. Shes Unsettled At Night For Some Strange Reason But Only For About 2-3 Hours. Lastnight I Kept Things Really Dark & Quiet, Rocked Her For a While Without Stimulating Her Too Much & Making Eye Contact &.. *Slap Hand*.. Gave Her a Dummy. This Done The Trick For The First Time Last Night and She Was Settled & Peaceful Just Like In The Day :)

For Wind Try Holding The Baby More Upright When Feeding At Night, Then Giving Her 20mls Of Cooled Boiled Water. My Nan Told Me This & It Worked For Me :) I Also Lean Lovella Backwards Slightly Then Bring Her Back Upright- She Burps Almost Instantly. I Dont Burp Her Over My Shoulder, I Have Her "Sitting" On My Leg, Chin Resting In My Hand :hug:
Kiranxxx said:

I have not tried that where can I get it? and what does it do?

If You Deffinately Decide To Use Infacol You Can Get It In Chemists & Most Supermarkets For Between £3-£4 :)
how old is your baby?

some babys are very unsettled when there young. luckily it only lasted a few days for riley and then he would have his feed and go back off again.

if your bottle feeding i dont see a problem in giving her a dummy. it may be that her sucking reflex isnt satisfied. this is how some people over feed there babies. they cry after a bottle and they think the baby is still hungry. but she isnt.

so that is one thing you could try, if you feel comfortable with her having a dummy.

i must say its been a godsend for me.

good luck
I too found the dummy a godsend! My LO also suffered in the evening, I tried Infacol before each feed but it didn't help, my M/W said it needed to be used before every feed for 3 days for it to have an effect, once or twice and it won't work! I found a teaspoon of cooled boiled water helped relieve any wind better than anything!
Also maybe giving a bath at this unsettled time? My LO really enjoys a bath! And it sends him to sleep too!
Good Luck :)
Kiranxxx said:

Not sure if anyone can help but my LO just doesn't settle at night time. She nornally has 2-3 bottle feeds at night but after each feed she seems to have wind where we are tryinging ti wind her for an hour or so, even then once she has burped she still doesn't settle as she wants to burp again.

During the day she is fine but I dont know what happens to her at night and I'm a bit worried as she can be up for about 4 hours until finally she decides she wants to sleep. She's only 10 days old. Any advice would be great.

Sounds like the problem I have hes nocturnal lol.........
I spoke to the paeditrician who told me 2.5ml calpol works, I thought you could not give it to them until they were 3 months ??

My LO is only a month !!, but apparantly they give it to them on the wards, anybody else tried this ??

we just use Gripe Water... if you can't get the wind up, just give 5ml of it and then wind like normal and the gripe water brings it up...

its worked wonders for us. i thought the Infacol was rubbish, it just doesn't seem to do anything!!
I would also stick it out for a week or so hun.

Asher was up a lot in the night for the first few weeks. But he soon changed to just waking for a feed and then going back to sleep again.

Your LO is still very young so could just be the unsettled nature of the first few weeks.

You could try changing the bottles you use, Avent worked well for me (I started off using Tommee Tippee) but have heard Dr Browns are really good :D

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