Room for a new one?


Well-Known Member
Jul 6, 2006
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Hiya everyone :D

My name is Alison, i am 24. My dh is Jamie hes 30 (ha!) we have a daughter, Summer aged 3. We had another daughter in april 05 who was sadly stillborn at 37 weeks :cry: We named her Kyler Jane. I was then diagnosed with Lupus and APS.

We are now 24+5 pregnant with our first son :cheer: fingers crossed everyone. I have to inject Clexane into my tummy daily to treat the lupus and APS. I wish id found this site when we were ttc for 11 months!!!

Ive spent a few days reading posts and stuff and you all seem like a really lovely bunch. I look forward to getting to know you all better.

Love ali xxx
hi hun welcome to the forum :wave:

so sorry to hearabout your loss :(

congratulations on being pg again i wish you all the very best hun

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx :hug:
heya hun
sorry about your loss but congrats on the new baby on the way :dance:
hope evryfin is ok and hope 2 chat soon
bekki & Aaliyah xxx
Hi hunni, congrats on your pregnancy, good luck and best wishes!! :hug:
Hi Alison :wave:

I am sorry to hear of your loss.

It's nice to hear of your success also. I recently tested borderline positive for lupus & was due for a retest today but was unable to keep to my appointment so I will have that repeated Tuesday coming.

I have been through a 2 month ordeal of suspected ectopic but due to complications my medical records states inconclusive which followed with 2 early miscarriages. I was self injecting with fragmin last month but sadly this did not help me hold on to our bean.

A few jabs & I was pretty bruised I feel for you but it would be worth the joy ~ There is another girl Rachael who carried full term & was in the same situation. What is APS? I should probably know this!

Wishing you & your partner all the luck I can give you.

Wobs x
Hello & welcome :wave:

Sorry to hear about your loss! :hug:

CONGRATULATIONS!!!!! :dance: :cheer: & wishing you a healhy & happy pregnancy! xx
:cheer: replies!!! :cheer:

Thanks ladies for the warm welcome.

Im sorry to hear that some of you have also suffered the loss of a child :( I guess we gotta find the positive from that and help each other on the rocky road of greiving and acceptance.

Rach (((hugs))) i see your loss of precious Jamie was very recent and just wanna send you and your family lots of hugs and this difficult time :hug:

Wobs ((((hugs to you)))) You've had a really rough time havnt you!?! Im really pleased that you are finally on the road to diagnosis (if you have lupus) and then you can start recieving treatment. I really feel that one day soon you will get your sticky bean, and be the fabbest mummy for waiting so patiently! APS is short for Antiphospholipid Syndrome, also known as hughes syndrome and sticky blood. Its an autoimmune disorder similar to lupus and makes you prone to clots. We lost Kyler to clots in the placenta (severe infarction)

Im really touched by your welcome messages. I had a scan today and i thought id post about it on the 2nd trimester board if thats ok?

take care love to mums, babies, bumps and ttc'ers

Love ali xxx
Thank Ali :cheer:

I have already experienced the fragmin, which is practically the same as your injections I think mine are stronger though either that or the dose was stronger than Rachael’s. It was just their decision as I'd only had one lupus result.

We'll get there in the end I can only hold on to hope like many of the girls here, just waiting on one more test to come back for the chromosomal abnormalities :pray:

Just going to pop to see how your scan went ~ I'm sure it was amazing x x
ali i must have been half asleep when iread your post yesterday i completely missed the bit about your darling daughter kyler being born sleeping im so sorry for your loss :( its a terrible thing to go through when you lose a child im due to get jamies post mortom results next week and hopefully then i will have some answers xxxxxxx
Hi Alison and welcome to the forum,
Sorry to hear about your loss, although big congrats on your pregnancy...hope everything goes well... :hug:
Love Claire
rach, really hope you get some clarity at the pm results. :pray: when we went for kylers pm results we planned an afternoon out in the woods with a picnic in the spring sunshine and it really helped.

love alixxx
Hiya and a big warm welcome to the forum,

I'm so sorry about the loss of your daughter, I can't begin to imagine what you must have gone through but my heart goes out to you & your family :(

A huge congrats on your pregnancy :D Hope to talk to you on here soon.

P.S Liking your hubby's name :wink:
Hi Alison

Welcome to the forum!

speak to you soon

Lou :)
Hey !!

Hope you stick around on here untill your little one is born

This is the best place to come for advice as most of the members are in the same position as you or have been

Full of amazing advice and help!

Enjoy your stay and good luck with your baby

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