Room for a little'un?!


Well-Known Member
Jan 19, 2010
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I never thought i'd be typing a post here but......

I got my BFP this morning!! :dance::dance::dance:

I'm in complete shock so be gentle with me! lol

All i'd like to know at the moment please is when you all called the Docs??

congrats!!! I havent been yet, but i phoned the hospital and talked to a midwife and i have to go down to fill in some forms. you dont have to go to the doctors xx
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:yay: congratulations
Welcome to tri-1, everyone is really helpful and friendly.
I made an appointment with the docs a week after my bfp, but my cbd showed 3+ x x

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Ok cool cheers girls!!

I think i'll wait a few days until the shock has worn off and I stop randomly crying and then give my docs a call.

I'm so excited!! :)

Congratulations :)

I rang the docs 3 days after, once I'd got over the initial shock and could start forming sentences again!
Congratulations and Welcome :D I rang about 4 days after. Not that they did much lol but each area is different. xx
Hi again Claire,

I was at the doctors a couple of days after my BFP as I was scheduled to have an op the following week, by then I had seen the midwife for my 2 initial welcome appointments x
Thanks girls!

I think i'll call them on Friday.

Where I live we have the doctors, a shop/postoffice, a pub, a nursery and a primary school! Thats it so i'm thinking my Doc is probably pretty busy so I think i'll call on Friday to see what they say.

Congratulations :)

I rang the docs 3 days after, once I'd got over the initial shock and could start forming sentences again!

Don't i'm a total wreck today!!

I'm a Childminder and look after a 6 month old baby boy!! I took one look at him this morning and nearly burst into tears in front of his Mum!! :lol:

I keep wandering around not knowing what i'm supposed to be doing!! :lol:

I got my bfp on Saturday morning (and another Sat afternoon.. just to double check!) and I was on the phone to the doctors surgery first thing yesterday.
I had to pop down to the surgery (just down the road) to pick up a sample pot, which I have duly peed in, and Hubby dropped it back at the surgery for me this morning on his way to work :D
I'm hoping to get a result tomorrow.. and an appointment too if I can. It's def not necessary to see the docs as quick as I am (Mum was seven and a half months before she saw the doc with my youngest bro! Although I wouldn't leave it THAT late :lol:) but due to mc earlier this year, I want to be under docs care asap.
Also doesn't help that I was in Spain for the mc so due to language barrier and not being in the country after the mc to get any test results.. I have no idea if they found out why I had the mc, if it was preventable, likely to occur again, etc
Go to the docs when you feel ready I guess :D For me, an appoinment can't be soon enough, but others are happy to wait.. whatever you feel is best for you :D xxx
Thanks for that Falling star and congrats on your BFP!! :)

The only thing thats bothering me is that on a first response and an adsa's own test the lines are very very faint! A CB digi confirmed my BFP though so I defo know I am pregnant. I'm just worried that the docs test won't pick up the pregnancy just yet because my lines are so faint!!

My doc didn't bother testing me - she just gave me and my OH a pat on the back and filled out lots of forms for us. Same thing happened to my friend when she told her's a bit weird, you expect them to at least confirm it but ours just believed us!
The line on my first BFP was very faint too, but apparently a line is a line and that's that :D
As long as you read the test in the allotted time a false pos is very unlikely. All the test does is look for hCG, the preggers hormone, which triggers the dye for the positive result. No hCG no pos ;)
Different tests measure for different levels of hCG.. for instance my first VERY faint line was on a Boots one that looks for a level of 50miu (or is it mui?...) The First Response Early Result looks for a level of 15-25 so gives a much clearer result earlier on.
You can also get (on ebay) 10miu tests, mostly from China, lol, although there is one UK company that does them. Not sure how good they are.. will let you all know as I've ordered 10 (for less than £3.. not sure if that's good or bad!) so I can set my mind at rest whenever I like :lol:
Congrats again!! xxx
:yay: Congrats on your BFP and welcome to tri 1! I popped to my docs surgery 3 days after I found out and spoke to the receptionist, she said there was no need to make a docs appoint and wrote my details in the midwife's book. I then had a phone call from the midwife that afternoon and made my first appointment to see her (which is next week!)

Hope all goes well for you, everyone here is very friendly and helpful x
Oh good hopefully mine will be the same!

Mine's a bit nuts actually!! I saw him earlier in the year for something and because it was the first time i'd been there since I moved here he looked at the screen and said 'oh so you're from Timbuctoo'!?! lol

He also starting singing to me at the end of the appointment!! lol

Also meant to say not to worry about your line being faint, it will gradually get darker as the days go on due to the increase in HCG x
Thanks Bella!

I've been sitting in TTC since December and it's lovely to have a change of scene! I really hope some more from TTC join us soon!! :)

Welcome! i went to the docs at 7 weeks!!! just waiting on my midwife appointment to come in the post now :)
Hi congratulations!! I rang the docs the day I got my BFP and went the following week (by which point I was about 5 weeks). I just had a quick appointment where she took my blood pressure, told me what not to eat etc and then she told me to pick up a pack from reception which contained info about contacting my midwife. So I think it varies from place to place xxx

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