Rolling over at night


Well-Known Member
Mar 7, 2010
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Alex is rolling over but only one way then he gets stuck and he has started to do this in the cot the last few nights and this morning hubby went into his room to find him asleep on his tummy sleeping on the side of his head is this ok or what can we do to prevent it?
Not sure what to suggest tbh. I think now he's a bit older with more head control he should be a bit safer. My LO loves snuggling his face in shoulders or face down on the bed lol He likes to live dangerous lol Sorry can't be helpful xxx
i think if he can roll over and get comfy i would leave him because he will wake up an cry if he was ucomfortable x
Noa rolls over n I just leave him. I stick his sleepingbag down the bottom of the cot l, he can still roll over but stops him crawl around in the cot, he pulls it up during the night tho
my lo sleeps in the weirdest positions, usually on his belly with his arm all bent and wierd... to me he looks uncomfy so a few times ive moved him only for him to wake up & cry!... like rbryan said, i would just leave him!!
Thank you for the reassurance. We have an angelcare monitor so hopefully that gives us extra reassurance if he gts himself into a tricky position. Hubby has the mat in the centre of the cot tho so might move it further down
Hey Kelly, I was just thinking haven't seen you on here in ages!!
Charley sleeps on his tummy all the time, he actually sleeps better! Lol as long as he can roll over it's fine x x
Ella-rose usually ends up on her tummy too, not much u can do I'm afraid! X
For the last 2 nights Blake has slept through and when he wakes in the morning I notice he is on his front. I do wonder if he is comfier this way? Doesn't stop me legging it into his room and putting him the right way up though!
Really having to refrain from going in and turning him over!


He must be comfier... He's sleeping lots better than usual. Next door's dog is going mental, the window is open and normally he'd be screaming at the first bark (with the window closed).

Still feel uneasy about him being on his front though.
This question came up in our group with HV the other day and she said you should turn them onto their backs if you go in to feed or change nappy etc as but that you shouldn't get up specifically to go in and turn them x.

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