Role play game

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I'm excited - no idea what this is all about ;)

I',Helen and I'm 29 :)

Squee, I'm so excited! And feeling smug cos I know what the games are like :smug: and I'm gona leave you all in suspenders too :smug:
What time do we have to be here? I can't between 8.40 and 11.30 but will do my best
Doh!!!!!! Just got what Chaz meant by her age, I'm so thick :roll:
Lol I only knew straight away as our bdays the same day but she's 3 yrs older than me :) x

So excited about this game!! Bring it on!!

Sent from my bad ass iPhone ;)
I'm just sticking around to see what the helps going on lol
We'll let you guys know as soon as possible :)
Im Zoe 20 years old mummy to one little girl x
Im 23 in a couple of weeks and for some reason am dreading it as I think it seems dead old!
i dreaded turning 20 don't know what i'll be like as i get older !!
OMG shut it you young uns, bloody hell I'm 26 next year - sob sob sob!
Right guys not sure if we're starting tonight or tomorrow but we'll upate asap x
Well I totally missed this last night was patiently waitig for info on the other one :rofl:
I don't even know if I made the cut or not but... I'm Stacey :wave: 25 years 11 months and 3 weeks approximately :)
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