Road Rage


Well-Known Member
Jul 3, 2007
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I'm usually quite a calm and laid back person but when I'm driving I'm like a bat out of hell! My DH says I'm becoming increasingly worked up by bad drivers. OK I know that I gesture and swear alot but some of them DESERVE it. This is why i get so mad:

1) Am fed up of young selfish idiots zigzagging through the motorway in their open-topped sports cars. They think they own the roads and tail you to get out of the way. :twisted:

2) Then theres the ninety year old who suddenly pops out of a side road unannounced whilst you screech to a halt to avoid hitting him. He then flails his arms at you like its YOUR fault! :twisted:

So is it any wonder I lose my rag. Yes I get mad. Yes I hate irresponsible drivers, and yes I would love to get out and pee on the bonnet of their car or something extremely just as horrifying. :lol:

Do any of you guys get as worked up on the roads?
Better than the mad Spanish Boy racer who insists on getting into the OUTSIDE LANE on a roundabout to go ALL THE BLOODY WAY ROUND IT!!!! :x :x :x :x :x :x :x Then beeps at you when he barely misses you as he wildly cuts across infront of you.... Then the little Sh*t bags that jump stop signs and you've got the right of way and you have to suddenly slam on your breaks and swerve barely missing him and then he gets out of the car and spits at yours... HOW IS THAT MY FAULT!!????

Yer.. I get road rage too... :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:
Squiglet said:
Better than the mad Spanish Boy racer who insists on getting into the OUTSIDE LANE on a roundabout to go ALL THE BLOODY WAY ROUND IT!!!! :x :x :x :x :x :x :x Then beeps at you when he barely misses you as he wildly cuts across infront of you.... Then the little Sh*t bags that jump stop signs and you've got the right of way and you have to suddenly slam on your breaks and swerve barely missing him and then he gets out of the car and spits at yours... HOW IS THAT MY FAULT!!????

Yer.. I get road rage too... :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:

OMG !! you are so right squig.. Those young gits on their clapped out mopeds that drive with their knees sticking right out and have such attitude!! I got my car spat on once by one of them as he drove along in front of me, chatting with his co-moped buddy SIDE BY SIDE at 20mph ffs! It took ALOT of willpower not to run him over! :twisted:
The thing that gets me more than ANYTHING is people throwing rubbish out of car windows, it absolutely makes my blood boil! ESPECIALLY emptying ashtrays! :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil:
Don't even start me off :evil:
I always drive at the speed limit and nearly ever day I get some idiot driving up my ass making hand gestures at me. It really makes me angry as I don't want to speed but am intimidated in to it. I also get mad at people constantly going through red lights as if it's ok because it only just changed to red. I could go on and on but I won't bore you :lol:

:evil: :evil: :evil:

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