ring test


Well-Known Member
May 6, 2007
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was it true for any of you? My auntie was doing it on everyone on sunday and it came up right on everyone who had already had children! when i was pregnant before the miscarriage it came up girl boy girl and my auntie did it on sunday and it came up boy girl? so does that mean the baby i lost would have been a girl? possibly?
I cant really answer this properly yet, but my mum did it on herself and it was right. It predicted boy, girl, boy for me, but I have had some vivid dreams before we did the test about having a girl so we shall see!!

Having said that, I also dreamed we had a kitten instead of a baby.... :rotfl:
i dont it and it swang for a girl

i done loads of predictor sites and they all said girl
Thee ring test is where you suspend the woman's wedding ring on a chain over her belly. If it swings back and forth, it's a girl. If it swings around in circles, it's a boy. :)
im not allowed lol... alex said its a load of cods wallop.. lol..i did a test in psychology 2 years ago. with a ring and a peice of paper.. we drew a line on one side and a circle on the other.. the teacher said.. ok.. on the line side.. close ur eyes keep ur elbow on the table and the string between ur middle finger and thumb tips.. and imagine the ring going bk n forth but u have to keep ur arm still.. then after 10 seconds he said open ur eyes and even thow e were keeping our hands still we were moving our fingers ever so slightly unconsiously and moving it so the ring went in a line or the circle.. lol. so i think it must be a crock of poop

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