Rights at Work

Charlotte & Emily

Well-Known Member
Nov 25, 2006
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does anyone know if your employer changes your contracted hours without your permission (even if you only work part time) they are breaking the law

my DF just rang me up crying telling me that they had done this to him and because he has been on holiday for the past week, noone told him (they do this all the time too) and so the manager has gone up to him and practically shouted at him like a child infront of all the staff and customers and told him hes going to be investigated (which he will now probably will get fired for) as they do this all the time to him.

i would appreciate any advice

charlotte x
As long as it doesn't say in the contract he has signed that they can change his hours willy Nilly then i'm pretty sure they can't just do it. it just shows that his boss is a total imcompetent git :roll: Your poor DF, I can't stand these boss's that show you up infront of everyone, extremely unprofessional & just downright nasty.

Has your DF got a union rep.? If he has, get him to have a word. Also is there someone he can go to to complain about his boss's behaviour? It's not right that he should be able to get away with it :evil: .
Thanks :D

He isnt in the union as they are worthless (i work at same place)
i asked my dad (he used to be a union rep) and apparently they are trying 2 force him 2 quit and he can sue them for this, because they are really nasty to him.

Hes going to ring the citizens advice bureou tomorrow.
Im going to make sure he takes them for all theyre worth!
U go for it, sounds really unfair what they are doing to him.
Good Luck :)

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