Right thats it my bank has had it!


Well-Known Member
May 7, 2006
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Im going to try and claim back EVERYTHING they have taken off me. On Last week they charged me 35 pounds for going over my overdraft... do you know how much I was over by??? 4 bloody pence! :shock: and ive just discovered that they have taken off my overdraft without telling me!! and believe me im overdrawn so it will take ages for me to get back up to scratch... meanwhile they are charging me 35 pounds a time for being overdrawn without an overdraft arrgghhhh! Ive had it with my stupid bank :cry: for 5 bluming years all they have done is take money off me. They are charging me 35 for being overdrawn... then 25 pounds on top of that they are charging me comision??? and because they have charged me for being overdrawn I am now even more overdrawn so they have charged me again :x :x

sorry girls needed a rant
omg, get em Violet, you can take them to the cleaners, well it wont bankrupt them but ul be fiune mate youll get it all im doing it too im so pee'd off with my bank!
Why dont they pick on people with millions in the bank that wont notice it missing :cry:
cause money likes money babe, the bank loves ppl like us who are skint and need the money, they had me in tears not long ago with these chufin charges going round and round, me saying "why have i been charged?" and them saying "because youve gone over your limit" then me saying " how have i done that?" them saying "by not paying last months charges" for me to reply "yes but go back to the first ever charge, what was that for?" them saying "because you went over your overdraft" and me screaming (after 45 mins of this exact conversation may i add just repeating) "LISTEN YOU SILLY LITTLE MAN I UNDERSTAND THAT IM BEING CHARGED BECAUSE OF LAST MONTHS CHARGES BUT FROM THE START THE VERY FIRST CHARGE WHY WAS THAT? WHAT WAS I CHARGED FOR?!?" for him to say "for going over your overdraft!" urghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh but howe how how GADDAMMIT HOOOOOOOW!!!!!!!!!!!! they are idiots so stick to it they will ttry fob you off dont let them, im sending first letter tomorrow
Sounds like you speak to the same idiots I do :(

Ive just finished typing out the letter, ill be sending it tomorrow aswell.
Right there with you chick :hug:
Alfiesmummy said:
im with natwest

My mums with them and also been having problems. I dont know the ins and out of what happend, but basicly someone ws putting money in and taking money out of her bank account. It was natwests fault, they didnt even say sorry :(

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