Rib ache


Well-Known Member
Apr 17, 2008
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Does anyone else get this? My ribs really ache at the sides and back, especially when I'm sitting down for long periods of time, e.g driving. One of my friends suggested it could be LO's feet but I don't think she can be that big yet (22+4) so I'm guessing it might be stretching. So much bloomin stretching going on all over the place, it would be easier if we were made out of rubber!! :rotfl:
Not sure what it is hun, but if its anything like i have, its going to get worse :( (sorry!) i have had it weeks now and (ive just posted in third tri!) its not getting any better - its a horrible pain and nothing takes it away :(

Sorry to hear that. I am having low back pain and was told by the doctor to take paracetamol as there is nothing else they can do for me. I have bought a swimsuit and wanted to start swimming but following bleeding at the weekend I need to take things easy.
Hope you feel better soon :hug:
Yep I'm getting aches pretty much everywhere. I can't sit in the same position for more than about 10 minutes without my ribs/back hurting.

Baby could be licking your ribs, your uterus is about 4cm above your belly button now but it's stretchy so if baby is kicking upwards s/he could easily reach.

Oh and it only gets worse :rotfl: but is 100% worth it :hug:
This has been causing me soo much pain, it is on my left hand side and you can feel the rib in question sitting right out, it is right at the bra line, very painful, as soon as i get home every day i have to take my bra off to try to ease the pressure. try wearing a sleep bra to ease the discomfort other than that there isn't much you can do :hug:
yep im suffering too, my ribs kill back and front when im sat or led down :(
yeah, i've got killer rib ache. i was just talking to my mum about it, she said she had it really bad with me (her first), so bad she had a fortnight off work, hope it's not hereditary!

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