Restless Leg Syndrome


Well-Known Member
Jun 25, 2007
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Sounds stupid doesnt it :lol: ( Its a real condition tho! )

Wondering if anyone else suffers with this during pregnancy. I do :( I did with Lovella too, its sooooo horrible! I cant sleep much because i get it every night in my calves, ankles and wrists when im laying still drifting off to sleep. I have started having leg cramps now and then aswell.

For those who dont know what RLS is.. i cnt really describe it sorry :roll: Its a strange horrible acheing/cramping feeling and you cant keep still the areas affected. I have to roll my ankles and legs continuously and after a while it eventually stops :lol:
Hi Hun

I have had this, its not pleasant is it. I mentioned it to the doctor and he said its to do with the baby taking your vitamins. Are you taking pregnacare/vitamins throughout your pregnancy?

He suggested to me to keep taking these and also to have a glass of orange juice with every meal. I have to say that its not as bad as it was, BUT I have cramp and numbness throughout the night and keep having to turn over all night!!!!!
i get it all the time it does my head in, if i get it on the evening i have to go and soak in a muscle soak bath, that usually helps enough to relax.
I have had it badly too and find the only thing that gives me some relief is to sleep with my feet/ankles elevated on a firm pillow, and also to ensure they dont get too hot, so generally keep my legs out of the duvet!
Sorry, Only now reading these replies xx Thanks for the tips i didnt know it was lack of vitimins. The little bugger is stealing all my goodness! :lol:
Carly i can really sympathise with you, i had this too and it was dreadful. I found a hot bath to help, but obviously not always practical. I used to almost be at screaming point at work i just couldnt keep still and it drives you barmey!
My tip is keep your legs propped up as high as you possibly can - on pillows etc. So high that it is actually pulling your calf muscles - as though you were doing stretches. I found that the pulling on the muscle eased the need for me to move my legs and meant i could get some sleep. xxxx

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