renting properties.

hopefully someone will see this - lettings agents are "inspecting" our house tomorrow. so i am worried about original question. they have never provided us with one nor have we ever signed anything. if they have one hidden away does it matter that we haven't seen or signed it? there's no further damage from us i don't think?
It will be to check for major damage most likely but they dont have a leg to stand on if they try keeping your bond
They can't do anything about it if you haven't signed it. Inventories need to be signed by both parties at the beginning of a tenancy agreement, it's also in the best interests of the landlord/letting agent to go through the inventory WITH the tenants so that anything they don't agree with can be amended.

They could try if they wanted to and therefore try to detuct some of your deposit from you but really they have no proof if it's not got your signature on it and once this was explained to the tenancy deposit scheme they'd probably release your full deposit. Since it's an agency though I'm sure you'll have nothing to worry about.
yeah i hope so. thankyou xxxxx
I was in a flat for 4 years... when it came to moving out they really tried to screw me over! Big time. A couple of grand big time!

Our deposit was also registered with the government scheme, which meant the landlord doesn't just get the money back. We have to raise a dispute...

They tried to charge us with...
A dented cooker hood (they wanted to replace the whole thing, even though it worked and was dented when we moved it)
To clean a bit of grease in the pan draw under the cooker hood ( I took that)
To defrost the freezer ( I took this too)
The flooring in the living room was replaced while I lived there, but a really bad job was done and it lifted, they wanted me to pay to replace the floor.
A massive scrape in the wall in the bedroom (again, already there when we moved in)
and they said that the scuffs were beyond wear and tear.

I argued that like you, we had no pictures from the original inventory, so why should we be penalised for the estate agent/landlord not doing their job properly.
I explained all the problems we had had with the property and they agents lack of interest, and that in 4 years no maintenance had been done to the property, and it hadn't been sorted before we moved in either!

I find it funny that they never said anything about the collapsed sofas! and the damaged carpet in the small bedroom!

Either way, they originally tried to charge us the couple of grand, but the government scheme awarded them £25... felt like a real victory!

£25 hahahaha brilliant, what arses.

with my new property i have an inventory done and signed ready so that's fine by me just worried about the dog chewing stuff but i'll hold my hands up if we did anything no problem that's what it's there for.

landladys partners sister came and 'inspected' it - she literally just glanced around so if anything is brought up which i genuinly don't think it will be - well you inspected it!

theyre cheeky aren't they xxx
that was £25.00 to wipe a draw, and defrost the freezer... and that was purely because I admitted that I was in the wrong... Which I was... I thought I'd wiped all the draws out, and I knew I needed to do the freezer, just ran out of time and energy. OH was away so I had to arrange it all on my own.

Silly people! Guaranteed they will just rent it straight out again rather then do maintenance too! x

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