Rembering our Angels


Well-Known Member
Sep 14, 2006
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Hello :wave:
I just want to ask if everyone is keeping well? :hug: Also if anyone was going to do anything different or special this Christmas to remember their Angel(s)? A friend of mine bought an angel to hang on her tree, another bought boubles with the names she had given her angels written on them, I know some people have bought candles to light and remember.... :) What to you have planned if anything? I am not sure yet...... I did think about getting myself a small emerald pendent to wear on Christmas as that would have been baby Connell's birth stone.... Idea's?
Love and big thank you from Yvonne xx :hug:
hi hun havent heard from you for a while hope you are ok. :D
I had thought about doing something but i dont know what i will definetly be lighting a candle but not sure what else to do. :think:
That sounds like a lovely idea about the pendant sounds really beautiful.
Hope you get some good ideas hun, take care and chat soon b :hug: :hug: x x
Hi Tracey,
:hug: Always lovely to hear from you.. I just saw your PM thank you, I am doing fine thanks....I am still TTC again and i have to wait until 3rd Dec before I can test..eek TTW thing!! lol anyway back to this :)... I think lighting a candle is a very nice way to remember and may even be enough, but i was wondering what others will be doing too, I hope to get some idea's maybe you will find something special too... Will need to catch up soon.. find out how the sickness etc is going...he he he... take care Lv Yvonne x
hi girls a bit different for me as jamie was born later and has a grave :cry: we are getting a real little xmas tree for his grave and we have lots of baby first xmas things to go on it and ive also bought a beautiful santa solar light so his grave will be lit up over night for xmas
have even bought him a little blue stocking and am wrapping a few bits to go in there which il be opening for him on xmas day might sound silly but its something i need to do :(
hope you are both keeping well xxxxxxx
For the 2 angels I lost in 2004, I have 2 stars tattooed on my wrist to remember them by. I try not to think about the one that happened this year. Lighting a candle sounds like a lovely idea.
:hug: to everyone
Tattoos are a lovely idea, i have my nieces names tattooed in roses on my arm and my sister had their footprints done.

I hung an angel on the tree last year for Baby Caitlyn, this year i have hung 2 xmas teddies brought from the SANDS website, on their picture in my living room. In Wilkinsons they do tiny red stockings to hang on your tree, you could get one of those and put a little note in for your angels, i also did that last year and left it at the crem, sadly this year i will be placing 2 there :cry:

Whatever you decide to do will be special for baby Connell and everybody elses precious angels xx :hug:
Hello Rach,Sami and Claire,
I am doing well at the moment thank you, I hope you are too? :hug:
Thank you all for the replies and suggestions :clap:

Rach; I know This is a very Sad time and that You have put alot of thought into Christmas for Jamie. His stones are lovely and your idea's don't sound silly at all....I like the idea of the little tree and his grave being lit over night. I don't know if you will be taking pictures? but if you do please share? I think you are a wonderful mum and Jamie knows how much you love him and do for him, Take care and thank you :hug: Yvonne xx

Sami; I remember reading a post from you about tattoo's, and yes I do agree that is a great idea, I have concidered getting another one myself, never thought about it being in memory of my angels before now. Little stars sound perfect, I am so sorry for your pain, nature is so cruel at times. I am sure in time you will be able to think of this years angel without the tears, Please know you are not alone and we are here for you. :hug: Thank you, take care :hug: Yvonne xx

Hey Claire; :wave:
People can forget about extended family, I know if my sister suffered my misfortune I would be the same as you and hurt just as much.I like that you got a tattoo also for your nieces, yeah good idea, !! But I do also appreciate the idea of buying the x-mas teddies from SANDS. That seems to be something special too. Helps us remember our angels and Help SANDS. Thank you Claire for the ideas, :hug: Take care, Lv Yvonne xx
they sound really lovely girls what a lovely way to remember your angels.
Yvonne hope you get some ideas as to what to do for this xmas.

I think the courage and strenght all you girls have is wonderful and i hope that you all have a lovely christmas.

Hope you all ok take care guys :hug: :hug: x x

I dont quite know what i will do to remember my daughter but i did go on a bit of a journey last week in the name of my daughter.

I gave birth to Angeles on 18th October and on on 19th November i travelled to New York. I went on my own and decided to go as it has been one of my lifetime ambitions. I wanted to try and stay positive for her sake and look to the future whilst remembering her.

It was a bit of a mad idea as i have never been further than Portugal!! I ended up on 42nd Street outside my hotel thinking i had lost the plot BUT i had done it and if i could do this i can do anything!!!!!

Luckily my other half realised that i might be a bit over whelmed and flew over the next day to join me. It was so romantic and so unexpected that i really feel quite positive about the future.

Now i am at home i still feel a little delicate but it has given me the confidence that i can go on and i can get through this.

I took a little angel locket with me to remember her by and i am sure if she was looking down she would have been proud of me....she may also have thought i was quite mad but hopefuly in a good way.

:wave: Hi sarah,
Welcome Home :hug: I have been following your posts and I know that you have been on a journey much larger than the 3000 miles to New York. I am sure your beautiful Angeles is very very proud of you.
It is wonderful that your OH came over and you had such a romantic time, your future is looking positive :hug: You like Rach, Sharing your life experiences have been an inspiration to me and many others here. I remember you telling everyone about Folic Acid and thinking, how unselfish you are, even when grieving you still think of others... Yes! your Daughter and all who know you must be very proud indeed of you.
I hope that maybe the ideas the girls have given might help you if you choose to do something on christmas day.
Thanks for Sharing Sarah, Good to see you too, Take care, be good to yourself, you deserve it, :hug: Lv Yvonne xx
Hi Yvonne

Thanks very much. I just hope i can help other people by passing on the info about folic acid. I was told about it but didnt take it that seriously. I just hope that my story will make it a little more real to people.


:hug: TY sarah, I am doing fine thanks and am coming to terms with my loss more now, I try to think about Connell in a happy way, like Little Jamie's stone says, Too Beautiful for earth, Thank you again, look after you Lv Yvonne xx :hug:

Thanks. I have been thinking about it and theres six in a box. So i think i will give my OH two fro Chritsmas, keep 2 for me to put on tree, one for my mum and one for my brother.

Being one of those nutty tree-hugging heathens....sorry pagan....I'll be doing a little candle ritual on the 21st to remember my boy, Sebastian, who left my arms to join the angels at just 3 hours old.

Ive been doing this every year for the last 5 years and it gives me a lot of comfort.

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