Hello Rach,Sami and Claire,
I am doing well at the moment thank you, I hope you are too?
Thank you all for the replies and suggestions
Rach; I know This is a very Sad time and that You have put alot of thought into Christmas for Jamie. His stones are lovely and your idea's don't sound silly at all....I like the idea of the little tree and his grave being lit over night. I don't know if you will be taking pictures? but if you do please share? I think you are a wonderful mum and Jamie knows how much you love him and do for him, Take care and thank you

Yvonne xx
Sami; I remember reading a post from you about tattoo's, and yes I do agree that is a great idea, I have concidered getting another one myself, never thought about it being in memory of my angels before now. Little stars sound perfect, I am so sorry for your pain, nature is so cruel at times. I am sure in time you will be able to think of this years angel without the tears, Please know you are not alone and we are here for you.

Thank you, take care

Yvonne xx
Hey Claire;
People can forget about extended family, I know if my sister suffered my misfortune I would be the same as you and hurt just as much.I like that you got a tattoo also for your nieces, yeah good idea, !! But I do also appreciate the idea of buying the x-mas teddies from SANDS. That seems to be something special too. Helps us remember our angels and Help SANDS. Thank you Claire for the ideas,

Take care, Lv Yvonne xx