

Well-Known Member
Jun 21, 2006
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How long after giving birth does Relaxin stay in your system for?

I am asking because today going down stairs (carrying LO) my left knee gave way on me. Thankfully I caught myself on the bannister before I fell but my knee is really uncomfortable and a little swollen. The last time that was happening was after I ruptured my ACL (in that knee) and before I had the reconstructive surgery. I am really hoping it is just the relaxin cause the joint to be loose. I had the reconstructive surgery 18months ago and it was hard work getting back to walking, running etc I really hope it hasn't gone again. :(
What is relaxing? my joint hurt lots more since i had Ellis??!! Knees and Elbows xxxx
It is the hormone released into your system which loosens joints ready for giving birth.
ooooo i am intersted to when it goes too then xxx
Hi Nicky

I sprained my right knee when Olivia was about 15 wks old, my Dr said that you have a small amount of the hormone until you stop breastfeeding.

Touch wood though, since I started doing my pre-pregnancy level of exercise I feel my body is a lot stronger now than when I sprained my knee, think I was just really unfit and all my muscles/ligaments were weak.

That is good to here. I hope I have just sprained it. I am still very unfit, though it is improving, I have been going to the gym since she was 7 weeks old and I have seen an improvement but it is still shocking how little I can do.
i think it stays in your system a good 6 weeks after giving birth.
After having my third child i had a slipped discand my midwife told me this time im not allowed to do and post natel excercises until after 6 weeks coz of relaxin. :)

hope this helps.
I hope Lucy is right and it is longer than 6 weeks if you are BF. I just did it again going down stairs carrying Ellie. I have physio this morning for my shoulder so I am going to ask them about it.
oh i don't know about if you're breastfeeding.
could you perhaps google it or phone your midwife or something.
The physio was useless. As he hadn't had a referral about my knee wouldn't look at it or talk about it. I have made a Dr's appointment for Thursday, but it is not with my doctor unfortunately, as my doctor is on holiday and it would have been 2 weeks before I can see him. I have the first post natal group meeting this afternoon though so will try and see if they know.
Thankfully the postnatal class contrary to the advert was on exercise. Apparently Relaxin stays in your system for at least 6months and possibly upto 9months after giving birth. Hopefully that is the reason for my knee giving way.
hope thats all it is - you were hoping to go skiing in the new year werent you?

hope you can still go :pray: .

we go in two months - so excited :cheer: however i really need to get a bit fitter or the slopes are going to kill me!

Yep - but my husband started a new job a month ago and they have said he can't take that week off work. So we are now going to go March. It will cost us more -not least of which we still have to pay the nursery fee's as I will have returned to work by then. I have been working out in the gym and my fitness has been improving but because of doing my knee in, I have had to cancel the creche booking for her tomorrow.

Where are you going again?
When I went to my aqua natal class my instructor told us that relaxin hormone remains in you r body for 6 months after giving birth if formula feeding and for as long you are breast feeding.

Hope you are ok.
We are going to Kutai (sp?) in Austria. be fab if alex is walking by then as i'd love to see him running about in the snow :lol: luckily going with all my family so lots of people to look after him while we ski!

you're so good going to the gym and stuff - i'm too naughty and will find any excuse not to exercise :?


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