Relax, Relax, Relax


Well-Known Member
Aug 20, 2010
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Well as everything starts to get back to normal after the festive period, my main aim is to relax. Ive very highly strung and easily get stressed so im determined to stay relaxed. So if anyone has any got advice on how to relax and stay relaxed it will be grately appriciated :) x x

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Other than a large glass of wine???

I find that if I get stressed, a walk along the beach (only across the road from our house so nice and convenient) always works for me. Have read that exercise helps with stress.

Sounds silly but the main one I can think of is breathing, when you feel particularly stressed just take a few moments to breathe slowly and deeply. Read when I was trying to give up smoking, that the main reason smokers find that a cigarette relaxes them, is that in times of stress, we breathe shallow and fast, when they have a cigarette, they stop and breathe slowly and deeply, and their bodies relax.
Meditation is fabulous, I can't recommend it enough xxx
I have been having atrocious mood swings recently so can relate to this ..... last night lying in bed I was looking at DH and I thought to myself this man is amazing why are you being so horrible to him...

Sometimes I think all you need is to just take 10 minutes and reflect on the good things in your life as it is so easy to only think about the bad x x
I echo all of the above!
And what helped me was making a gratitude diary - just 5 points every day about what you are grateful for in the day just gone by. I was being badly bullied at work when I started this and it even helped then. I wrote things like 'hubby held my hand and said all would be OK and I felt loved', 'was brave and spoke to manager and told her she was upsetting me', 'lady on bus smiled at me kindly and I felt nice' etc etc. So even in darkest days you can see (and read back on) simple things that made you smile. And that life can be sh*t but can also be totally divine.
Takes 5 mins every night and is worth every second :)
Thanks for the advice ladies :)
Im going to try writing things down if that doesnt help, i will look into meditation.

Heres to less stressed out Kerry and a calmer year :) x x

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One of the things that i love doing to relax is getting my hair done or getting a spa treatment, just taking an hour out and getting something nice done.

Hubby somtimes books me one if he knows i'm really stressed, i'm lucky yo have such a great hubby:dance:

I also used to find that going swimming relaxed me too, and its a bit cheaper than the spa.
Sylvie its so sad to see that stupid women in work are still bullying people i'd love to poke them in the eye for u!!!! But then again it showed how strong u are and that u appreciated the little things,xx

M2A - Ohhhh my gosh dont even go therrrrrrrrrrrrre lol. I cant relax I just cant I try n then i dont try (if yano what I mean!) Im finding these things helpful

1. Paul mckenna hypnosis cd and box
2. Baths with relaxing music and candles
3. Running and yoga (it works!!!)
4. long walks taking deep breaths and looking at whats around u properly
5. when doing daily chores stop and think, am I rushing this?? if so deep breath do it slower and concenrate
6. One task at a time

hope this helps hun xx
Applecider awww thank you! I screenshot that it was so nice :)
And I love your list loads. Am I rushing this - I'm loving that & going to say that to myself now. I'm a rusher and a panicker :(

Lander - watch off yes! So doing that. I've developed a weird fear of time slipping away and it's self prophecing :rolleyes:

hear to good music on earphones and rest your back on the couch, stretch your legs, close your eyes....WINNER TAKES IT ALL could sound more melodious.....give a try...good luck.....
Applecider awww thank you! I screenshot that it was so nice :)
And I love your list loads. Am I rushing this - I'm loving that & going to say that to myself now. I'm a rusher and a panicker :(


U sound very simular to me! I rush to get home to relax? looking at it properly it doesnt make any sense take things as they come (easier sed than done im finding it hard to slow myself down) I really do hope u feel better :) and always remember people like that have the problems and are oviously jealous or envious of u! U must ooze happiness!! Its always the explanation xx
oh and I love the postitive diary idea so much im starting one tonight. xx
Aawww AC thats lovely and very true :)

Well i started my list and looking at it made me smile and forget everything that i had been stressed about, thanks for the great idea :) x x

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awwwhhh M2A that made me smile. im gonna do mine tonight xx Thanks Sylvie x
Sylviegirl: positive diary sounds great! Think I will start that:)

When I'm stressed out I take a run or excercise really hard! That always helps! Or I just take a walk in the mountains. Sex also makes me relax!

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