Regan (FAO Pompey_Princess)

Ray-gan (not a emphasis on the a in gan though. Sometimes rhymes with kin)

Like the US President :lol:
Kinda like calling Cait-lyn Cat-lyn though :lol:
People DO call Caitlyn, Catlyn and Caitlan... The worst has been cake tin though by far........
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I expect some of it will be down to local dialect and interpretations.
i always thought it was ree-gan too!!

this thread's just reminded me, my mum was talking to a friend of hers the other day, who's a gp. and she says "my niece has a baby called nee-amh!" i thought a doctor would know how to pronounce niamh!! especially when its her flesh and blood!!
Maybe it's because I grew up in America :lol:

Alice, that's funny! :rofl: Unless the Mum read it online, and thought that was how it was pronouced! :lol:
i get my hvs calling adrianne, adrianna like adri arna i keep telling them noooooooooooooo .. told the last off last time we went to get her weighed.

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