Refusing to use Cuttlery?


Well-Known Member
Nov 11, 2009
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Tegan will be 16 months at the end of the month and is totally refusing to use Cuttlery.
she will try using a spoon for Weetabix/porridge etc but everything else she eats with her hands, i give her a spoon & fork with every meal but she just throws them straight on the floor.
any advice or reassurance that she isn't the only one?? x
Although Sebastian does use both a fork and spoon now I'm pretty sure Tegan is not the only one not doing. I know several two year olds who don't use cutlery at all. We found that giving him a plate with a deep edge has really really helped him as he can use the edge to get the food on the fork or spoon. We just always gave him a spoon and fork and until he was about 14 months old he always chucked them on the floor, or would hold one on his hand and eat with his other hand! Just persevere I think and continue to give her the choice of them xx
For a couple of weeks she really tried with the fork then gave up! will try getting a plate with high sides
thanks for replying Hun x
It's frustrating but like MrsR says you have to just perservere. I've childminded so many toddlers Tegan & Seb's age over the years who prefer to use their hands. They learn how to use cutlery eventually x
I posted a thread about this a few weeks ago, m is the same age as tegan and is the same! Only recently has he started to use a fork but gets bored easily and i end up finishing feeding him or he uses his hands. Tbh im not too worried, im just going to keep offering the spoon and fork with each meal, and praise each time he uses them but not make a fuss when he doesnt iykwim and i know he will eventually get there. Try not to worry too much she will get there in her own time. Xx
Charley holds a fork or spoon in one hand then uses his other hand to eat the food with lol!
She'll get there Hun xx are u?!?! Havent seen u on here for ages!!!!!
Thanks girls just me worrying over nothing as usual lol just most of the LOS i know around her age our using it properly xx

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