Refusing milk


Well-Known Member
Apr 21, 2005
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Charlie is loving her weaning.....the trouble is she will not drink much milk anymore. I think she has had about 8oz today. I cant get her to take her last bottle. this has been happening gradually over the last week.
I do give her milk first, but she will usually spit it out. Any ideas???????
Hiya Hels
I made a thread about this aaaaaaaages ago.

I spoke to my HV and she said to just increase things like yoghurts, cheese, and custard etc. and add as much milk as you can to the food.
She suggested buying custard powder and making it with formula too.
Hi hels, jamie was much the same, once he got a taste for solids he wouldnt drink hardly any milk!! it was a nightmare i would make up an 8oz bottle in hope that he would drink it but he would just have an ounce or 2 at a time!

So just to make sure he was getting his milk we would give him a pudding of the power baby food (e.g banana custard, strawberry yogurt etc) and mix it up with his formula!
Sorry if im going over old ground. You just feel bad dont you when all you read is how important milk is to them still at this age.
Ill do that, i always make up her cereal with formula, and i add a bit of cheese to most of her meals! ill do the custard and stuff. Thank you. Did Brody and Jamie start to drink more, or is it a continual problem?
Hi Hels

I've definately noticed Olivia not drinking much milk recently. I am still in two minds about weaning her from me to bottles (she still has that 1 bottle before bed) but at the moment she's still bf.
She doesn't feed for anytime at all unless she's really tired and then she wont let go... does charlie drink more from the bottle when she's sleepy? Like perhaps her last bottle? I've also been adding cheese to most of her meals and she gets yoghurt at every meal as well.

I wonder if they get a wee bit bored of the milk now that they're enjoying all these wonderful new flavours and textures.

Not sure if it's a good road to go down (as in would it make C not like bottles even more) but how about making a fruit milkshake with her formula milk? Will she drink from a cup at all?

Lucy x
hels said:
Sorry if im going over old ground. You just feel bad dont you when all you read is how important milk is to them still at this age.
Ill do that, i always make up her cereal with formula, and i add a bit of cheese to most of her meals! ill do the custard and stuff. Thank you. Did Brody and Jamie start to drink more, or is it a continual problem?

I didn't mean that it's old ground hun, I meant it's quite normal and not to worry :)
Brody is currently drinking more than ever, I think it's partly because I've move on to formula in the night, and he takes 8oz at about 4.30am!

I think they'll come back on to it in their own the mean time just try other ways to get it into them. I bought a load of little pots of rice pudding yesterday (2 packs for £2 either ambrosia custard or ambrosie rice pudding in Sainsburies) Brody loves it!
I got some custard this morning and will get some of the rice puds too. She took 4 oz this morning, and then i just gave her a late breakfast.
Thanks For your replies xxxx
Custard is great cos you can add fruit puree to it. :)

hope she starts to drink more probably is just enjoying the food way too much
I remember going throught exactly the same thing, sure I made a post about it too. Its quite frustrating isnt it becuase you feel like thay should be drinking it. All I can say it was just a phase and it did pass eventually, all you can do is persevere until then! :D
yeh i know people that have added milk to the food if the baby wouldnt eat it. is she doing any better? x

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