Refusal of bottle - helpppppp please!


Well-Known Member
Mar 23, 2008
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Hello everyone, the last time I posted it was to announce that I'd had a show and thought labour might be kicking off! It took 36 hours, an epidural and some forceps but I finally gave birth to my beautiful baby girl, Lily Sophia, on the 7th of September.

And it is now in my hour of need that I return to this forum!

It was always my goal to breast feed Lily until she was 12 weeks old and then bottle feed. I read that the best way to wean her on a bottle was to give up one daily feed each week. We are two weeks into this now and she still hates the bottle. A couple of times she has happily downed the entire bottle but usually she either totally refuses or just has an ounce before completely kicking off. Am using tommee tippee bottles with slow flow teats and Aptimil milk. Any advice or reassurance that this is normal would be so welcome. I'm REALLY ready to stop breast feeding!

thanks heaps ladies

i can't really help with the introduction of bottles i'm afraid... but just wanted to say that bf-ing is tough for the first few weeks but it does get SOOOOOO much easier...

:hug: :hug:
ummm i feel like such a newbie here (which i am!) but is bf-ing bottle feeding or breast feeding?
Have you tired different teets? as this may help,
You may have to try a few different shapes and texture but she should get used to it if she is taking it at times.

BF is for breast feeding .
when i express booby milk and give it 2 summer in a bottle she wont take it from me bcoz she can smell my milk. but she will take it from any1 else little monkey

she looks at me as if 2 say why r u giving me this horrible rubber teat when i can smell a sqwishy booby
I have found the "breast-flow" bottles to be great and also the MAM teats (they fit an avent size bottle not the breastflow bottles) but those teats are flat and a bit rougher like skin.
This morning was as difficult as ever. I gave her a bottle for her 7am feed and she had exactly 1oz before kicking off. I then gave her 30secs of breast milk to calm her down. Then at 10am feed she had 2oz and about 10mins on the breast. 1pm feed was entirely breast and then i've just done a 2oz bottle feed. The bedtime feed will be entirely breast.

it doesn't seem as though she's eating very much does it, but she seems perfetly happy on it. I think I'm going to keep a diary here of what she is eating. Maybe, just maybe, it is of interest to someone! And it is a good record for me.

A growth spurt is due around now. She may well want to feed more anyways when that kicks in. Maybe she is just preferring the breast for the time being as its what she knows obviously. Formula has a very different taste (the same all the time) whereas breastmilk changes all the time. Sounds like she is just going to take some time to adjust. She may also not like the teats and being used to a nipple again means a while adjusting. Babies know what they like and don't like :)

If she is happy with breastfeeding and you are coping with it is it a real issue if you continue with that instead of going over to formula? I'd let your baby guide you and if she really won't take formula maybe keep going with breastfeeding for a while longer and then try again when she is a bit older. Boob feeding is so much less fuss IMHO. No sterilising, no cleaning up and saves a fortune :)

Also consider that formula might not agree with her. It might be she cannot tolerate it very well or its too heavy on her tummy (breastmilk is not as heavy and digests quicker). If its something like that then defo boob feeding would be better if she is happy and content.
I would suggest changing the teat on the TTCN Bottles to a Medium Flow (Packet says from 3+ but dont worry about that) and then also go to Tescos and buy there own brand of bottles that come in a pack of three about £1.50/£2 with a medium flow teat, the reason i say these are just from my experience and also i think another lady on here also tried it and it work for them too.
Although they are the same flow teats they are totally different shapes.
Good Luck
Well Lily shocked me to bits this morning by having 6oz of formula! where did that come from?! Maybe that growth spurt you talked about sherlock has started today :lol:

I did make a bit of a breakthrough yesterday afternoon by just sitting with her and letting her play with the bottle, bringing it towards her and batting it away. i think it just made her feel a bit more in control of it and maybe she was less apprehensive of it.

I totally hear what you are saying jollypops about 'why am i doing this' if she loves breast milk and i can easily breast feed. i have been thinking about this SO much lately. The main reason is that I am getting on a bit (37) and it took 2 years to get pregnant with Lily and I want to start trying again as soon as possible. Oh hang on.... she's kicking off...

OMG - She just took 10 mins of breast milk!! This must be a growth spurt!

The formula, when she takes it, seems to settle in her tummy better than my milk. She is less sick and less colicky. But the main reason is that I want to get pregnant again in 2009. I think if Lily knew my reason she wouldn't mind swapping over to formula. That's what I keep telling myself. what do you think - is this justified?
CorrieFan said:
I totally hear what you are saying jollypops about 'why am i doing this' if she loves breast milk and i can easily breast feed. i have been thinking about this SO much lately. The main reason is that I am getting on a bit (37) and it took 2 years to get pregnant with Lily and I want to start trying again as soon as possible. Oh hang on.... she's kicking off...

OMG :shock: I didnt mean anything like that at all, i just simply wanted to tell you about teats! Calum didnt get on with slow follow so just said what had worked for us. If i have missed/ understood and replied incorrectly then i'm really sorry.
Oh no, i'm so sorry Jollypops I've just looked back and it wasn't you who questioned my decision to move from breast milk to formula. but i wasn't offended - it a fair point.

It's great to see your photos of Calum by the way. I remember when he was born and we were all so worried about him. He looks so big and strong now!
I can understand your reasoning. FWIW I'm 38 and hoping to concieve next year also. I decided to continue with breastfeeding as I love it, it works for us and as I am giving my body time to recover I won't begin TTC till LO is almost 1. Plenty of time to let LO keep BF'ing before stopping around a year.

I think do what you feel happy with but don't feel BF'ing a bit longer will hurt.
I want to carry on breast feeding the bedtime feed at 7pm and any feeds in the night (only one at the moment which is remarkable). But during the day I think it will suit us both better to go on to formula. I feel that today is a real breakthrough - Lily is really taking to the bottle - she has finished 2 6oz-ers and I've just made up another for her. She has also had two short breast feeds just for comfort.

Just been watching This Morning and I actually cried at Des O'Connor's song at the end. I amaze myself sometimes. Am clearly still a hormonal basketcase. :rotfl:

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