Reflux Q - calling ex gaviscon junkies!


Well-Known Member
Feb 24, 2007
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Those whose babies have used Infant Gaviscon for prolonged periods, when did you find you were able to stop without symptoms reoccurring?
We have been giving Eva Gaviscon in her evening bottle since she was 6 weeks and any time i have attempted to take her off it she ends up being really sicky and in discomfort, she suffers silent reflux so its the acid coming up thats the prob.
I didnt think that one dose would have such a lasting effect but since we stopped on Friday she has been more and more sicky and miserable. Is this just coincidence or should I go back to giving it to her? I wonder if she is just adjusting to not having it every day? We are 6 weeks in to weaning but she hasnt had anything new since Friday so dont think its a reaction to a food type.

Has anyone had a similar experience when coming off Gaviscon? I really dont want to give it to her longer than we need to out of habit :?
We were told by the GP (after 2 weeks on the Gaviscon would you believe) to try and stop giving her it and I stuck by my gut feeling and told him I wouldn't. I went home and tried one feed without to prove myself and it was instantaneously like being back at square one - she was sick constantly until the next feed while coughing and spluttering uncomfortably in between. She's been having solids for a few weeks now and while I find she keeps them down, the feeds in between are still a problem.

We're going to start to withdraw it from the mealtime feeds and possibly the evening one as she seems quite settled then - it's at its worst when she's awake because she's so active all the time. How much do you give her? If she's on 2 sachets (i.e. one dual dose) then maybe it's worthwhile talking to your doc about taking it down to one and seeing if that still gives her some relief?

Thanks dsl, we have reduced it to one sachet once a day already, which you would really think is barely doing anything but she definately seems uncomfortable without it, I just keep wondering if it will settle down after a few days or if I am giving her a few days of discomfort for nothing and we just have to wait a little longer! :wall:
Some days I really feel like i am making it all up as i go along :roll: :wall:

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