Reflux Advise ASAP Please


Well-Known Member
May 12, 2008
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Dylans having a really bad night with reflux tonight. he started on omeprazole 3 days ago but if anything he has just got worse. i wil take him back to the docs asap but have you found anything to be fantastic for your LO's? i want him to be better but the medication hes been on so far is not doing the trick. please recomend something so that i can ask the doctor tomorrow. and is there anything i can do for him now whilst hes suffering? i know the whole keeping him upright after a feed and all the basics ect but im feeling pretty useless.

Thanks xx
my little brother had serious reflux (weekly hospital trips) He was prescibed 2 different medicines. Ranitadine and motillium domperidome, he had these 3 times daily and also had 2 sachets of gaviscon in every bottle he had,

ask your doc if there is any other medicines you could try (like these).

not sure what your doing at the mo..
but theres these options.

* keep baby upright as often as possible such as bouncy chair, walkers etc.
* tilt moses basket/cot at one end so baby is not led completely flat

also im not sure if you bottle feed or not but...
* Try using DR Browns bottles.
* also.. there is a milk formula called cow and gate stay down this states that its made especially for babies that bring up feeds such as reflux babies..

hope this helps x
ask to try domperidone thats what really worked for us, its quite expensive for them to perscribe, but it stops the sickness by emptying the tummy a bit quicker, hence no burning acid splashing up.

The omeprezole inhibits stomach acid production but takes a wee while, we found the dom worked quickly.

Other than that, just try and work it out that you get a break or some help.
thanks for the replies, i know theres a reflux support thread which is great but i needed some advice quickly and thought i'd be better posting a new thread sorry.

im breast feeding. do you think i should consider switching to formula? like the stay down cow and gate? i love breastfeeding but if Dylan would be better on formula than il stop? xx
tbh that has to be entirely your decision, my brother was always bottle fed so never had to swap. But the advantage with bottle fed babies (breast milk of formula) you can add gaviscon and use Dr Brown bottles... However if you use formula its a triple threat (as our doc called it)... stay down formula, Gaviscon and dr brown bottles. I personally would switch to formula, if you plan on changing you may as well do all three rather than just the 2 (and use breastmilk). your decision though. Just do what you feel is right :hug: :hug: xxx
i really want to continue breastfeeding :cry: :cry: :cry:
but i want whats best for him first.
i will discuss this with the doctor next time i see him then. its not particularly about the milk i love the time we get together and its probably a bit silly but i like how dependent he is on ME. anyone can give him a bottle but at the minute theres only me that can give him what he wants and comfort him. i hope that doesnt sound selfish, :( it probably does
Definitely don't stop BF hun, there is every chance that the change would make it worse. Comfort milk (C&G comfort, Aptamil easy digest, SMA staydown) does NOT work for every reflux baby (it was totally, completely and utterly useless for us - think green watery diarrhoea for a week which is "normal" on that kind of milk) so since you're doing well with the BF I'd stick with it though of course it's your decision. I second sparky's advice - I think there are more folk on here who have had success with that other medication too.

Could it be a mixture of reflux and colic too? Have you tried colief? It's just a thought if you haven't tried it yet - I haven't but you should be able to get your GP to prescribe it. :hug: :hug:
Don't feel you have to stop BF. They digest the milk faster than formula so tend to get more nutrition from it before it's inevitably ralphed back up.

We've got Elijah on ranitidine 2x a day and Gaviscon. Are you using Gaviscon at all? What we have to do in order to get it down him is to mix it with a certain amount of cooled boiled water and then drop it down his throat with a dropper, since we can't put it in a bottle. But it works that way too, just be sure to mix with the right amount of water. For times I know he's going to feed a lot/long time, I do a full dose, other times I just do half.

Does he comfort suck at the breast? This increases saliva so can help offset the acid... I let my son comfort suck quite a bit in the mornings as it seems to help him. (You could also use a dummy if he takes one.)

I know how hard it is, we're still struggling as well. :hug:

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