Well-Known Member
May 27, 2005
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Rebecca has been on infant gaviscon for ages, but lately it has got bad again. I am still giving her aptimal. Had 2 fone NHS 24 last night as she wasn't keeping any milk down, even with the gaviscon in it. She wasn't ill, still smiling away, but it concerned me. So took her up to the out of hours clinic, where the dr told me he is referring Becks to a paediatrician as it is to do with her reflux, and she will need something else.

Not once has anyone, including my HV recommended me to change her milk, should I try giving her Omneo?

She is also on suppositories as the Gaviscon constipates her, so its a no win situation :wall:
I have ben told Gaviscon will constipate them.

Aptimil is a very good milk as it is apprently the closest to breast milk BUT it is a very thin milk. My HV and GP both said changing the milk wouldn't help, but paed said it might. I went through about 6 types of milk in search of something which would help Damien. I would try Omneo Comfort or SMA Staydown. You don't use Gaviscon with them as they are already thicked.

I really hope things get better soon hun. This reflux nonsense is a pain in the arse!
I cannot believe this - I went doctors today and he has prescribed gaviscon for Heidi - but after reading the leaflet I wasnt sure if she could use it as she is on Omnoe comfort milk - yet the doctor didnt ask me what milk we were using - why the hell dont they ask - good job I havent used it yet, and that I came accorss this post.

I am ringing them up tommorow to play hell. :twisted: :twisted:

L x
Hey ladies, spoke to HV yesterday afternoon,and Rebecca was prescribed SMA staydown, didn't know they give secialised milk like that and omneo on script! Ladies I would see HV if you are paying for it, why when you could get it free?

Anyway I am going to pull my hair out, everytime I give Rebecca the SMA staydown she screams the place down and doesn't want to take it- I can see why, it has a disgusting taste compared to Aptimal which is a lot sweeter and what she's used to.

I am at the end of my tether, don't know what to do! Help xxx :wall:
Relfux is a terrible thing ! (( hugs))
Cant believe you get SMA staydown on prescription - i might ask my doc.
It does take a while for the baby to adjust to the new milk, it just seems to depend on the baby as I put Aimee on Omneo a few weeks ago and she was really ill on it and had terrible dihorea, I was told to put her straight back on SMA gold with gaviscon which I have now done.

Lisa - I asked my doc this and he said it was fine to use Gaviscon with Omneo ....?
Why dont they all sing of the same songsheet ay >?!!! :twisted: :evil: :twisted:
It's so annoying how they all say different things. I asked my HV if I should still put the Gaviscon in her SMA Staydown, like Sami said my HV also said that those milks have thickening agents in them, so there is no need for Gaviscon! :roll:
Well, decided to go chemist as I wont get appointment at docs for ages no doubt :roll: .

Well she was as about as helpful as a chocolate teapot - she had no idea and said the Doctor probably woudlnt think to ask about what milk I am using for Heidi!?? :? :shock: - so we have to do their job for them now do we!!???? So tootled off to the docs and they were shut for lunch :evil: :evil:

I have decided it "SOD IT" lol and I am going to a mother and baby clinic on friday so will see if the HV has anymore useless information that may save me going back docs. :roll:

I am sure you cant use gaviscon and Omeno though, but I dont want to switch milks again as that will be the 3rd time we have done it and this Omneo milk really suits her and she has been loads more settled (apart from the retching) since using it. She has stopped bringing her knees up in pain and going red in the face and she has just settled so much better on it.

I wouldnt mind swopping so much - but how long was the doc thinking of me using gaviscon for?!?? Because if it is only a short-term thing I dont want to swop milks back to Cow and Gate Premium, just so I can use the gaviscon because the Omeno is the best one we have used so far :roll: bloody hell, why is it so complicated !!?????? :roll: :roll: :wall:

Will have to see what they say on Friday.

I have waffled on havent I!!

D'ya know I reckon I have PMT LOL ! - theres another story!

L x
Hi hun, have spoken Cow and Gate and you DEFINATELY CAN'T use Gaviscon and Omneo together, it is double the thickening agents.

I have managed to finally get SMA Staydown on prescrip, it is the only high street reflux milk which does come on prescription, Omneo doesn't. I just hope Damien takes to it so i don't have to keep forking out £7 odd a week for Omneo!
:shock: Well Sami, after speaking to a cow of a health visitor today (not my usual one, the bitch was running the weigh and go clinic today) I was told that my nightmare of a daughter will have to see the Dr AGAIN as she is still being sick on SMA stay down. Ur rite, this Reflux business is a pain in the arse. So it looks like I will be paying for special milk soon enough.

What infuriated me 2day with the HV is that "apparentley" babies SHOULD be growing out of Reflux at Rebecca's age and that it's "Strange" she is still being sick at her age. She is 12 weeks tomorrow. :wall:

How the hell do they know- every child is different. She made me feel as tho I was doing something wrong.

Sorry for the rant, but some of these health visitors have no tact and are damn right rude. :twisted:

PS and because Becky is putting on weight (she is a whopping 14lb 3oz) it's not "too much of a concern". Well how the hell would they like being sick after every single feed!x
Update from us - we've given up!!! He flared up with excema after 3 days on Omneo and he's never had excema before :( . Back on WySoy and I'm avoiding taking him to HV. He has fortnightly asthma check ups with the practise nurse and she's weighing him - if at first you don't succeed, cheat :D
Dont get me started on Health visitors ! :twisted: Or doctors for that matter !
I am so annoyed now as the doc I saw when I changed Aimee onto Omneo told me of course I can use gaviscon with it ! That probably explains why she was so ill after! I did stop using it anyway as I could see how thick it was after I had been trying to feed her it throughout a whole night ! Poor thing, I thought she was just messing me around and was crying for the sake of it & wasnt that hungry, when really she couldnt get the dam milk out!
I feel like ringing that twat of a doctor and giving him what for - lets see how he'd like to spend a night up and down like a yo yo


K - thats complete rubbish - they all seem to say different things,I was told by 3 months then when they go onto solids now im told a year...
My HV is excatly the same about the weight thing! :wall:
Hope you get some result soon

K X said:
What infuriated me 2day with the HV is that "apparentley" babies SHOULD be growing out of Reflux at Rebecca's age and that it's "Strange" she is still being sick at her age. She is 12 weeks tomorrow. :wall:

How the hell do they know- every child is different. She made me feel as tho I was doing something wrong.

This is absolute BOLLOCKS! Grrr this reflux and GP's thing really bugs me, they don't know shit, they are GP's, and yes wonderfully helpful for telling you "don't worry it's normal" or "don't worry, they'll grow out of it soon". :evil: Babies do not generally grow out of reflux until they are nearer a year old (this is information given to me by Damien's paediatrition). They tend to be much better when the leanr to sit up (at about 8 months - although Damo obv might be later as may some other babies) and when they start to walk and toddle about (between 10 and 18 months depending on baby) it should improve dramitically, if not have dissapeared by then.

Damien is on solids now, and he till has reflux (I was told it will improve them too). now he brings up puree'd veg as well as milk - staining everything :roll: :lol: as well, he is happy enough bless him, clothes are just material :)
Sami said:
K X said:
Too bloody right - where are they getting this so called 'information'????

I never know who to believe.

I know one thing though - this site is damm well much more helpful than the bloody lot of them put together :wall:


Rant over!

L x
[/quote] This is absolute BOLLOCKS! :)[/quote]

Too bloody right! - where are they getting this so called 'information'????

I never know who to believe.

I know one thing though - this site is damm well much more helpful than the bloody lot of them put together :wall:


Rant over!

L x

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