

Well-Known Member
Apr 26, 2006
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I just wanted to tell you all about my mum!! lol :lol:

Well my mum is a reflexologist and she is pretty amazing!! :shock:
When my auntie was 40 weeks pregnant she had had enough you know like we all do!! so mum said look lay down ill give you a reflexology and it will make your waters go!! so she did it 10 mins later her waters went!
within a few hours my auntie was in labour!
6 hours of labour and she gave birth to a healthy little boy!
it was her 4th child!
I was thinking should i have one at 40 weeks!! :think:
Mum says if the baby is not ready it will not work but 85% of peoples break as baby is ready lol! :D
she wouldnt do it to no one under 40 weeks its a natural way of going into labour without any hormoans added to your body!!
it also relaxes your whole body to make labour alot more relaxing
what do you girls think??
I think it is a good idea.

My mum is a reflexologist as well. She is also trained in lots of different types of massage and has just qualified in hot stone therapy. I have been lucky enough to have treatment from her throughout my pregnancy and will also be doing so during labour.

She has also treated 2 other ladies during their pregnancy and been with them during their labours and both were quick labours and drug free.

She was also treating another lady recently who is about a month ahead of me. She had treatment at a week overdue and went into labour the next day.

I think if it helps then go for it. It is all natural and I think the more you can relax the less painful and quicker it will be.
I totally agree! I dont do reflexology on myself, but I do know where the Great Eliminator is on my hand.... I was feeling very ill after eating something I was allergic to once, and all the normal meds hadn't worked. Did the Great Eliminator on my hand, and within seconds I was throwing up happily, and feeling much better as a result. It is supposed to be very effective during labour, so I will be asking a friend of mine who is an accupuncturist for the best advice on how to use it then. It's not recommended during pregnancy though, as it can be so effective!

Are you going to ask your mum for some help with your aches and pains? As Becky says reflexology is fine during pregnancy, you just have to be careful on some of the points. Hope she can help you, you sound so miserable in your other post :hug:
Awwwwww your poor mum, hope she get's better soon. Am sure you will have a great labour if she's there :cheer:
I often think how lucky I am and you must be the same wanabamum to be able to have free treatment and to be able to have Mum there during my labour.
yeah we are lucky becky very lucky!! :)
i love my mum so much i do not know where i would be without her!

Mum said to tell you to get well soon gingerpig!!
I know I am going to have to buy her something special after the baby arrives.

My Mum has been really good apart from having a bit of a stress about me having a home birth. I think we are over that now!! I know she only cares though.
Yeah i think they just worry about there little girls in pain!!
I wouldnt say i am as close to my dad tho!
as he is a right grumpy sod! lol! :lol:
Men are funny creatures. My Dad is away a lot on business, so don't get to see him as much as I would like. He can be a bit of a strange one at times but you still love 'em!

I know he will be stressing once I go into labour.

Once we are Mums I am sure we will understand what our Mums are going through!
yeah i bet!!
I do love my dad to pieces to as he has helped me out buying stuff for the baby!!
parents there just like marmite you either love them or hate them!! :)

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