redundancy and maternity!? hmmm


Well-Known Member
Oct 14, 2012
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Basically my boss has been trying to bribe me to leave my job. So that he doeant have to pay mat leave. Im a very unhappy bunny! !. And arent going to take it lying down. But im worried that if i dont except he will make me redunant. Which has been hinted at. (There not to fussed about laws. Thy have done it before to other people). Im trying not to wory. But im pretty scared as i do get a little housing benefit but am in a private rented expensive house. And dont know if i wll gt mat pay now. :( eeek. In short i am the earner in the house. But i dont no what i will do im 22 weeks now. Any advice or similar situations x
In what way is he trying to bribe you to leave, what's being said? Is it all verbal or written?
I am being made redundant too. So here's what i know... If you're 25 weeks by the time you are put 'at risk' which mjust happen before actual redundancy then he has to pay all the benefits you would have been entitled to had you kept working.

Anytime before this he doesn't have to pay but you can still claim mat allowance if you've been employed for over 6 months there.

Why doesn't he want to pay? He gets smp back? X

Tapatalking :-D Can't see tickers...
I don't know all the ins and outs but my firm was taken over and there was a lot of redundancys. I want pregnant at the time and was made redundant. My friend was how ever and I'm pretty sure they wasn't allowed to male her redundant when she was on her maternity leave and she chose not to come back after and left anyway.
legally speaking u can e made redundant while pregnant or on maternity leave, however your employer would have to demonstrate that u were put 'at risk' and made redundant for reasons other than your pregnancy/maternity. It's a really dodgy area for your employer and much easier for them in the long run not to make u redundant at all, for example if they argued u were made redundant due to poor performance u could argue this was due to tiredness and lack of concentration due to pregnancy...

I would advise u that from now on get everything in writing, email, snail mail, text or even Facebook, and that works both ways, if your boss actually asks u to consider a redundancy package for example, email him/her asking for specific details so u can consider it...KEEP COPIES OF EVERYTHING!

how exactly have they been trying to bribe u? with what? xx

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