Question...Any HR peeps here?


Well-Known Member
Jan 3, 2010
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I just want to confirm what my right are really, I have spoken to ACAS briefly and the woman was a bit useless although she said my maternity rights still apply.

The situation is I gave birth to my son at 30 weeks gestation, he lived for 2 days but sadly passed away. I was told by my employer that I could still take full mat leave if I wanted but of I got sick notes off my GP then thy could pay me at my sick pay rate rather than mat pay rate. There view was I would not have the financial burden of this situation and could still come back to work when I was ready.

I have been off work since I gave birth and not returned yet at any point. I now h e an at risk of redundancy notice for the end March. I have been advised what my redundancy pay would be but nothing has been mentioned about my entitlement to my SMP up to the 39th week. I thought I should also get this on top of my redundancy? I would do if I was on maternity leave and still had baby, so I don't see why it would be any different now.

I just worry that they have advised getting sick notes as they think I will no long have my maternity rights therefore get them out of paying my SMP if made redundant.

If anyone works in HR or has been through something similar please could you let me know if I am right?

They are offering vol redundancy and if I do get my SMP as well as my redundancy then I am considering it and taking some time off work. I just don't feel ready yet an I feel this whole situation is pushing me back sooner : (
So sorry to hear about this :(
I was at risk of redundancy last year and was told they would pay me my stat maternity pay until 39 weeks if I were made redundant. You are entitled to the same benefits as any mother. Xx
you should get all of your maternity pay and the redundancy pay off too. Although not sure if this applies if you take voluntary... only if they make you redundant.x
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Thought I should update this thread...

Work called me back today as I emailed them to ask about the SMP situation. I have now been told if I do get made redundant I will get my SMP until August. Even if I take voluntary redundancy. They said they messed it up basically an I should have been on SMP all along but are ok about the fact they have paid me 'enhanced maternity pay'. So as of the end of the month I will be on Mat Leave and can be until August (paid). With finding out I'm pregnant again I am worried about going back if I don't get made redundant. Just thinking of cutting my losses, taking my money and having time off.

Not sure what to do?!
If u can afford it then maybe cut your losses and enjoy your pregnancy?:) all depends on your personal circumstances babes xxx
Yeah we have worked out we can afford it, although we would have to cut back. I am willing to make sacrifices to give myself a relaxed pregnancy this time. I never sat still with Ethan and it worries me that maybe I should have slowed down, I was still working full time and also had my toddler to look after at the time. I think I've made my decision I'm just talking myself more into it!

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