Reduced/no fetal movements


Well-Known Member
Oct 2, 2012
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Hi all,

Just looking for some advice I'm 35 + 5 today and have been in delivery 5 times in the past 6 weeks with low or no fetal movements. These are just the times I've been there as well as sometimes I haven't called as feel like I'm a hypochondriac.

Did anybody suffer with this? And what was the outcome regarding delivery etc?

I'm panicking at home constantly and now he's bigger we have days of lots and lots of movement then days where he moved
About 6 times and they hurt me so much I actually don't want him to move as its all so tender.

Thankyou :)
I had 11 episodes of reduced fetal movement, & they ended up inducing me at 38+6, he had also stopped growing at 36 weeks. It turned out that he had the cord wrapped round him 3 times! Now I'm not saying this to panic you atall, but what I will say is that you should always trust your instincts.

I often felt like I was wasting their time but in my heart I knew something was wrong, and I was right!

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I agree I had many CTG as didn't feel my lo, they scanned me at 38+5 and my fluid was low so induced me. Mever not call as no MW will say that you are coming in for no reason, reduced movement is very important to check on.
Ok makes me feel a little better. Had scan and ctg today and everything was normal. I had pre eclampsia in my first pregnancy and the consultant today peas only bothered with telling me I was fine and had no pre eclpsia. His movements were not even mentioned until I got asked by the nurse with her and I told her I had only had 2 movements all day. She soon whipped me up to daycare unit for a ctg.
back at my usual midwife tomorrow so may ask her opinion as all of this is not doing me any good I'm so scared sat at home xxxx
Glad all was normal. Never feel like a hypochondriac about baby's movements - only you know what they're normally like. And especially given your pre-eclampsia in your first pregnancy. I had it with my first pregnancy and anytime I've had a worry, I've immediately called either my midwife or triage. Last time I assumed everything was ok, even though I did get reduced movement towards the end of my pregnancy. Turns out she'd stopped growing at 32 weeks! I felt really stupid for not going into hospital sooner.

Our risk of getting pre-eclampsia again is roughly 1 in 5 - I dare any health professional to make you feel bad for acting on instinct and getting checked out. So pleased to hear that you and baby are ok xx
Aah thankyou. I am currently on weekly midwife check ups one being in half hour maybe talk to her about my concerns as she's easier to talk to. I'll see how that goes :) xxx

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