Reduced movement at 35 weeks?? *UPDATE LAST POST BEEN IN


Well-Known Member
Jan 26, 2008
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I know alot of people worry about this and its said that baby has less more to move now but im really worried.....

He used to move so much more and i never had the need to count the 10 a day as I just KNEW he was moving all the time, but the last 2 days its been so different. Yesterday I actually counted as I was worried and although I got to 10 ok the movements are so small now, no-where near as big as before. I know he has less room as he's bigger but surely this also means he should be stronger now and able to move my belly more. The movements are really small like tiny, tiny pokes that i only just feel and its worrying me alot. The times when he always used to move like lying in bed i hardly notice him now, hence why im up as too worried to lie there not feeling him. Since getting up ive had the tiny moves but they are just so small.

I wanna ring the midwife but they wont be open yet and im sure she's just gonna say its 'normal' but can anyone tell me at the same stage was this what happened?? Less and smaller movements??

I have 5 weeks left and if this is how it will be im gonna be worried all the time!!xx
im posted about this the other day!!! i know exactly what u mean on monday i was soooo worried dont think id counted 10 movements so yesterday i did nothing but sit on my bum and moniter the movements (did a kick chart) still only felt ten kicks in 12 hours and like you said they were really small ones!! i think it was danni that said that the baby may have moved into position so that its our backs and insides that r getting all the kicks!! i would try not to worry tho i know its hard, u could still ring your midwife for some piece of mind!!!

sending u :hug: :hug:
im posted about this the other day!!! i know exactly what u mean on monday i was soooo worried dont think id counted 10 movements so yesterday i did nothing but sit on my bum and moniter the movements (did a kick chart) still only felt ten kicks in 12 hours and like you said they were really small ones!! i think it was danni that said that the baby may have moved into position so that its our backs and insides that r getting all the kicks!! i would try not to worry tho i know its hard, u could still ring your midwife for some piece of mind!!!

sending u :hug: :hug:
Thanks Nicci, I went back to bed and still didnt feel him so I got up again at 9am and rang doctors as soon as they openend and have left her a message to phone me, I really hope she does soon as Im so worried, Ive just eaten an ice lolly and have been doing everything I normally do that gets him moving but nothing. Ive worried my OH now too by telling him at work so really wanna be able to tell him its ok. COME ON BABY MOVE! I really dont think I would cope if anything bad has happened im so scared I really hope she phones me soon or he moves. Anything I do feel is so small I wonder of it is even the baby and that makes me think he's not moving.xx
Everything will prob be ok, keep drinking iced water, thats bound to get the little bugger going, maybe hes had a busy night partying and is all pooped and sleepy now, hope all is ok :hug:
I have come to the conclusion the bigger the bubs get the less noticeable the movements are, imagine them being in a room, and when they start they are too small for the room, and then they are just the right size for the room so can move about very freely, also don't forgot at this point aswell they are not head down, then imagine them being the same size more or less as this room with alot less space AND head down so they won't be able to move as freely as before...

As long as you are getting some movement then try not to worry, however you know the pattern of your baby, ie mine is quiet although when I eat he is active and hes quite active after teatime aswell...

There's also no harm in contacting your midwife just to put your mind at rest.

No she still hasnt rung they really are useless they must know its important! But he did get hiccups just now which has made me feel a bit better although even these feel a bit less noticable now so maybe like some of you have said he has moved into the correct position for birth and so im feeling everything from behind him now making it less noticable. Im still gonna tell midwife im worried when (if!) she phones. Thanks girls.xxxx
Aww bless him! Good boy! Does sound like he probably has twisted round! :)
It's probably nothing to worry about and he has changed position or doesn't have much room to move but seriously if you are worried you shouldn't be waiting for the midwife to call you, you should call labour ward and go down and get checked out. Whats the point in sat worrying. Better to be safe than sorry. Like I said though.. he's giving you movements so I am sure it's his position :hug:
Aww it's horrible to be worried :hug: :hug:

I think it is probably that he's being a good boy and his arms and feet are facing inwards. I bet he's kicking the hell out of your placenta and you just can't feel it :D

Keep us updated on the midwife ring back situation :)
Stupid womans still not phoned :evil: Dont really wanna drive to hospital as a bit far and I dont think they'd see me without a referall from midwife so still waiting, been putting my water bottle in the freezer and drinking it really cold, feeling tiny wriggles but just wish they were stronger. I cant beleive she hasnt called yet!!xx
Well after my last post when she still hadnt called I checked my notes and found an emergancy midwife number and so called her, she said it was ok to ring the labour ward of hospital im using so I did and the lady there told me to come straight in (very scared!) so went in on my own as OHs phone had died so couldnt even tell him so just sent him a text. When I got there had to go into a labour room on the ward and lie on a bed whilst she monitored babies heartbeat which we could hear for half an hour and gave me a button that I had to press if i felt him move, so she left me for about 10 mins but still hadnt felt him at all when she came back so she told me to lie on my left side and left me again. Finally thought I felt a few little pushes on the top side of bump sp pressed button about 4 times in all. When she came back she said it looked ok, there was a chart like a line of the heart rate and for the 1st bit it had been almost straight but at the point i lay on my side it got bigger and better still at the points I had buzzed the line had gone high meaning he prob was moving! So she said she really thinks its fine he was just a bit sleepy and has less room but she also said she'd rather I called if worried about ANYTHING as better to be safe so thats good to know especially as midwife never called me at all! Luckily OH had got home and put his phone on and called me just as he got message as i left so told him i was ok before driving home! Thanks for your support everyone i feel alot better for going in and being checked over :hug: , i cant wait til he' s here and i can worry about him in person!!xx
Aww glad all was well :hug: These little bubbies do like to worry us don't they!

Glad the labour ward were nice to you, makes things a bit less scary!! x
im soooo glad everything is ok!!! no thanx to the midwife!! :evil:
So glad that everything is well with baby, I would be just as worried as you. Glad that the labour ward took you seriously and monitored you to ensure that all is well.

aww they a bugger them babies arent they! brings back memories reading that- i too was in hosp at 34 weeks strapped up to monitor pushing a button when i felt a movement- hadnt felt anything for days and suddenly she turned into a wriggling worm :lol: i felt like a right tit lol!

glad LO is fine hope ur feeling ok now hun :hug:

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