Red Bull ....?


Well-Known Member
Feb 5, 2007
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Just want to ask what you girls think of drinking red bull while pregnant?

I love the stuff and always fancy a can it's the smell of it i just love it.... do you think it is ok to drink while pregnant, i know you should cut down on coffee ect while pregnant so does the same apply to Redbull?

What are the effects on caffeine on baby if you do drink lots of coffee or in my case redbull?

It does not state on the cannot to drink it just says not suitable for people sensitive to caffeine!

:think: :think:
I think a can is only the equivalent of a cup and a half of coffee isn't it? Probably not too bad as a treat but I wouldn't go drinking it all day :?
To be honest I never drank it anyway. It always makes OH's heart race which is quite worrying :?
High levels of caffiene are not a good idea... I would give it a miss personally, or if you have one can then no or very little chocolate, coffee, tea etc.. in the same day!
Thanks girls :hug:

I only drink one can a day if that, and i don't drink tea or coffee or eat chocolate so i should be ok, it's not everyday either so i think i will be ok, just can't get away from the smell of it makes me want to drink it and helps keep me awake my OH was getting really annoyed at me being ready for bed by 9pm!! :D
I haven't had any Red Bull since I got pregnant. I knew it contained Taurine which is a form of caffeine. I switched from regular coffee to de-caff as I'd rather have any caffeine allowance in chocolate! :D

Here's a list of soft drinks and their caffeine content in case anyone is interested:-
i drunk redbull all the way through my pregnancy with Hayden (only 1 can a day needed the energy) and he was fine i think its ok to drink as long as you dont drink too much of it
should be fine paula... if concerned best ppl to ask is your gp or m/w hun :hug:
:hug: Thanks

I wont drink anymore than one can a day i need it so i stay awake past 9pm!! :wink:

Good to hear you also drank it sarah and hayden turned out fine :cheer: :hug:
mum shoutted at me when i had redbull so i dunt drink it..
not whilst im pregnant anyways
I think a couple of cans of red bull and your babies will be having a party inside you lol! :rotfl:

I drunk some before i went for my re-scan for my 4D scan and it worked baby was well on the move!

Party time.... on a serious not i wouldn't drink more than 1 can and i don't drink tea or coffee so i think that one can is only like a cup or 2 or tea, will ask my MW when i next see her but that is not for 4 weeks!
God i drink loads of tea which is fine (apart from tannine levels) but i dint drink coffee or any other caffiene rlated drinks - the odd can of coke
I used to have a can every morning on the way to work before I was pregnant but I gave it up (I make it sound like an addiction lol). I have a can every now and then, just if I'm really tired in the morning coz I need to get up b4 5am. I wouldn't say I have more than 3 cans in a month now, but I also don't drink tea or coffee or eat much crap x

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