Red bull is a no no right?


Well-Known Member
Dec 2, 2007
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I'm just double checking but red bull is a no no whilst pregnant?
I know it's got lots of caffine, but i am addicted to it.
at the moment my fella buys a can and leaves me a few sips at the bottom!

no chance of a full can is there? :(
I'd not. It's not just the caffeine but all the other crap stuff that is in it that isn't good for LO either.

I'd be inclined to cut it out altogether. I'd not drink any energy drinks tbh. If I need an energy boost I'd eat a banana or something.

I found all of the following if you are interested

FSPB Stimulant Drinks Report Released
Commenting further Professor Sean Strain, Chairman of the Stimulant Drinks Committee said "The Committee was constrained by the limited amount of comprehensive information, risk assessment data and peer reviewed scientific research in this area. In light of this limited information and in order to protect public health, we have adopted a precautionary approach to its review."

The report makes the following recommendations:

a) stimulant drinks should be labelled with an indication that they are unsuitable for children (under 16 years of age), pregnant women and individuals sensitive to caffeine.

b) they should be classified with other beverages of high caffeine content.

c) the consumption of stimulant drinks by children under 16 years should be discouraged.

d) caution should be exercised in the consumption of stimulant drinks with alcohol.

e) they should not be consumed in association with sport and exercise as a thirst quencher.

f) they are unsuitable rehydration agents for use in sport and during exercise.

Groups for special consideration

In the context of advice to pregnant women to limit caffeine intake owing to the possible adverse effects of high caffeine intake on pregnancy outcome, stimulant drinks should be classified with other beverages of high caffeine content.

Taken from here

Also other reading tells me that it contains other stimulant ingredients that are no nos. Apparently as LO's heartbeat is so fast already, something like Red Bull which acts as a stimulant can elevate it further.

There is also the debate that too much caffeine can increase the risk of miscarriage. Does Red Bull carry a warning for PG women to not drink it? In a few reports I've read it mentions the MC risk increase from overdoing caffeine.
Hi Star,

Hope everything is ok with you! Me personally wouldn't drink it but its because I dont like the stuff anyway.. other half said as long as you not necking it you should be ok.. but we not professionals!! I would get OH to stop drinking it as its not fair on you!

Best check with GP or Midwife to be on the safe side.

Take care
mibiuk :hug: :hug:
Having researched and read all that and then some (I am the Google queen) I'm sure one can would not be a disaster, but tbh, if it were me, I'd still not drink it.
thanks so much for researching that info for me

it doesn't say on the can that it is not recommended for pregnant women. it does say it contains 32mg of caffine for each 100ml. there's 250 in a can. which i've been told is less caffine that a cup of coffee...
not exactly what you asked but asdas blue charge is less than half the price of red bull and nicer.

I would maybe steer clear of the energy drinks just in case.

I too am a energy drink addict but I stopped for the short while I was pg.
*Star* said:
thanks so much for researching that info for me

it doesn't say on the can that it is not recommended for pregnant women. it does say it contains 32mg of caffine for each 100ml. there's 250 in a can. which i've been told is less caffine that a cup of coffee...

Not a problem, happy to do some reading as I learn also :) As I understand it there are other ingredients that also act as stimulants etc. Its not just the caffeine, but that is the main concern.

I look at it this way, which isn't for everyone but its my approach. Might seem harsh but if it stops me eating/drinking something crap then it often shocks me into resistance :shock: :oops: :roll:

Would I give this kind of thing to a baby or a child? No. So would I therefore drink/eat it while PG and pass on the contents to my LO while carrying it. Also no.

It's your personal choice at the end of the day. If you have researched and are happy to drink it then that's your call. If you would rather not, then add it to the list of things to avoid while PG. I don't drink fizzy drinks, energy drinks, caffeine, junk food like McD's, kebabs etc. All of that is on my avoid list as being pointless food/drink as its loaded with chemicals or wasted fat/sugar etc. I have also avoided bloody steak, liver, shellfish etc.... all food stuffs they advise to avoid as a precaution, so its not just the crappy food and drink that are off the menu for me. Mind you I don't like Red Bull or fizzy drinks anyways. Have you see that they do to your insides :puke: :roll: :lol:
haha yeah i can imagine what they do to your insides!
i remember the 'experiment' in primary school to what coke can do to a dirty penny!!!!

i think i'll maybe just stick to a few sips now and then. i love the taste of it.

unfortunatly i am a awful with what i drink and eat. i reall y need to start cooking things from scratch. i find it way too easy to stick in a ready meal or such. i've made an effort since i found out i was preg again to buy mainly fresh food from asda. i just need to find the time to cook it!!!

a funny note about if you would let your child/baby have something. my eldest found a can of redbull and started to drink it himself. he said it was 'delicious' lol. i told him it was alcohol and he's not had a remote bit of interest in it since!!!
i wouldnt drink redbull but if ur after an energy boost you can drink lucozade!!!!!
i don't like lucazade - it's just too sweet!
Not sure about red bull but Relentless has a warning on the can saying not for pregnant women - one of my collegues at school is a caffine addict and I was reading the back of the can yesterday :lol:

Its something I would avoid but I'm not a fan in the first place
If you're craving it then you are maybe lacking something in your diet that your body now wants, if its a treat, then I'd say just don't go mad. Just my opinion, but having cut out so much crap, I'm not feeling bad about drinking Coca-Cola, which is my fizzy sin :rotfl:

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