Recovery period after a cesarean?


Well-Known Member
Jul 30, 2006
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I had to have an emergency Csection and although Im not in pain now, been 6 days, had to have a catheter first day which was removed etc, and on painkillers, I was wondering how soon you can really recover as in be able to walk to the shops, and generally go out? Noone seems to be sure on when exactly, I dunno how much I should be walking around, how long does it really take for things to get back to 'normal?'

Hope to do this soon as feeling very down cos it was very unexpected.

Thx :hug:
I was at the shops about 4 days after having Aaron by c section cos I couldn't stick being indoors but I took it very easy! I had him registered 5 days after but I did do both with my hubby who drove me I wouldn't have walked there lol. Just go with your body, if it hurts then stop and make sure you rest as much as possible. What people seem to forget is it's major surgery! I would say after 3 months I felt on top of the world and I started to do gentle exercise, then after 4 months I was doing sit ups etc and trying to get into shape. Just make sure for the first 6 weeks you don't do any lifting, housework etc because you can pull open your stomach muscles and then it's months of healing. Enjoy the time where you can get people to do things for you hun! Congrats on your baby!
i went to asda the tuesday after my c sec which was on a thrs...

so long as ur not drivin/doin anythi ng strenuous u'll be fine x
I had Ruby by c secton on the saturday, was in hozzie till wednesday and was out wth the pram walking on was slow and painfull and I was poorly by the weekend as the wound was infected and I ended up back in A & E :( A week of anti biotcs and rest, I was soon out and about again although it took around 3 weeks for me to feel like my insides werent going to fall out every time I stood up!!!! :shock:

Take it easy if you can, get fresh air but dont be in a hurry to do too much-you have had major surgery...Be kind to yourself.

I know you will be running on adrenaline after the birth, but do try and rest as much as you can :hug: :hug: xxxxx
Thankyou for the replies guys :hug: Im gona take it easy and see how things go, sometimes after Ive walked my stiched area burns a bit, is that normal?
Yup, mine burned, pulled and hurt for a while...It was scarey to be honest....Get your midwife to check it when she comes. PLEASE try and rest, it is defo the best way to recover, and small walks when you can, helps to heal but DONT over do it!! :hug:
I was in hospital for 5 days after. I had the staples taken out b4 I came home. But I would say give yourself a good few weeks rest without anything to strenuous(sp?). A lot of people don't seem to realise it's major surgery and expect you to up and about as normal soon after (well that was in my case). Nothing wrong in going for short walks I guess, you body will tell you when you've done enough. :hug:

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