Recommended parenting reading for the total beginner?


Well-Known Member
Aug 30, 2008
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Hello ladies,
I'm currently 22weeks with number one and this week it's all suddenly become very real - possibly something to do with the fact that I can now not only feel but see my belly moving!

I have no young children in my family and am the first of my group of friends to have kids. I'm the weird person who never wants to hold a newborn for fear of hurting them when everyone esle is desperate for a hold!

I'm looking for advice on what to read to prepare? I don't think any amount of reading would totally prepare anyone but I'd like to at least have a general clue before I bring home our bundle. My OH is brilliant with babies and older kids but he will be at work all day while I'm on maternity leave and I've no idea what my maternal instincts are going to be like at the moment. Starting to panic a little bit :?

Any advice appreciated, Cheers!
I tend to recommened this one. The Great Ormond Street New Baby and Child Care Book: The Essential Guide for Parents of Children Aged 0-5

Mainly as its a no nonsense, clear and concise book that does not sound like a writer telling you how to do everything. If you want a specific routine/how to parent type book then you need to look at certain authors but tbh I think its good to find your own way and learn what works for you.

It has helpful info on how to do things like change a nappy, top and tail through to first aid. Also things like feeding, weaning, sleeping, illnesses and so on. It does not go into massive detail on everything but gives you plenty to work with and if you feel you need to read more you can then search online for a subject in lots more detail. It also does not advocate any one particular belief of how to parent. Its a good across the board book that you can read in short bursts or as and when you need it.
I found Jo Frosts Confident Baby Care excellent, it completely put me at ease with the decisions that I would be making as a parent and helped me to realise that it was going to be one big learning curve and explained that some things might not go to plan, but that didn't matter because I can always try it a different way the next time until I found something that worked for me and my baby.

Also went through some practical things like how to change a nappy, how to swaddle, and loads of other stuff etc.

Its probably worth taking a trip to your local library as ours have loads of parenting/pregnancy books so you can either borrow before you decide which one is best for you and then buy, or just completely borrow without having to splash out and buy.
As well as the Jo Frost one, I also love "What to expect in the first year" - you can normally get it half price on Amazon. Its a bit like a bible, and splits it down into monthly sections, what to expect (as the title says haha), but in terms of development as well as health/feeding/care related issues.
I love the What to Expect book! There is also one published by DK that is month by month. It's good too, but maybe a little preachy. I think there are two by the same publisher. The one I am talking about is hard cover and slightly thinner than the other.
i was like you too! lol ZERO experience with babies until i had mine, and zero interest either, tbh! so i was a complete newbie mom too. my first nappy was my daughter's!

i was given the contented little baby book which i read a few chapters of but IMO it was a bit too military for me and i found it very hard to grasp and comprehend! all my motherly wisdom is from this forum, really! i just ask on here theres always at least one with the answer, and sometimes u get several solutions to try!

i just go with the parenting flow really, and its worked for me as i think iv had a pretty easy ride all in all! i expected it to be a lot more difficult than it has been. x
Another 'What to Expect in the First Year' fan here, loved their pregnancy book too. Would highly recommend :D
"The Pregnancy Bible" was fab. I did get a miriam stoppard one called something like pregnancy and birth and it had a bright pink cover but it was rubbish and didn't tell me anything so I took it back and swapped it and the Pregnancy Bible was well worth the additional money.
Thanks ladies, going to take a trip to the library on Saturday - baby reading wins hands down over the maths calcs I've been having to learn in my 'spare' time lately!
I have the Miriam Stoppard book - bought it as soon as I found out - but I'm just taking the pregnancy as it comes, everyone is so different I think it's hard to find the definitive pregnancy guide. I'm more interested in the arrival now!:D

In some ways I can't wait but in others it's terrifying!
I found the "Your Pregnancy Bible" great for a week by week account on what was happening inside to my developing baby and also what was happening to my body but if you're looking for one that goes through things once your baby is here then definitely the Jo Frost one. They even had it on audio at my library so was able to put it on my ipod and listen to it on the train to work.
I thought the Baby Whisperer books were great, i didn't follow them particularly, but they give really good ideas. Tracey Hogg is the author.

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