Recipy planning

star fish

Well-Known Member
Aug 14, 2010
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I have some silly questions to ask and find internet a bit mixed. Can i get some good recipies for fish dishes that are quick and simple? And then can i freeze some of it? And if I do, do I then thaw it out but can't reheat it? I'm not sure, help!

Also I have a load of pre sterilised bags for freezing breast milk, which i've never used. Presumably i can store food in them? Someone told me to store it in an ice cube tray and then you can thaw small portions as and when, but is that sterile? Also, how long does it keep?

Sorry if all this is really obvious, so far i have only been feeding fruit and veggies with porridge/baby rice and so all made fresh.
Phoebe loves fish I buy fresh haddock or cod cook it in the oven and mix with mash and either cheese or parsley sauce and add a few veggies. I use the little weaning pots you can buy, they're about the same size as the jars of food you can buy which is just the right amount for Phoebe. I should imagine sterilized bags should be fine though. I then freeze, get it out the night before to thaw and heat in the microwave until hot and then let it cool down before feeding her :)
I freeze ice cube amounts of fruit and veg and pop them out as needed. We have been doing this for a month and LO has been fine - don't think the sterling thing is as important for milk as it is for bottles.
Oh the joys of weaning. ;-)

AK does some quick and easy fish recipes. My LO loves the tasty salmon one. Otherwise fish and a cheesy sauce is quick and easy. I make it up, put it in ice cubes and then put them in my left over breast milk storage bags. Then take out an ice cube when needed. Either thaw overnight in fridge or leave out for few hour before I need it. Heat it up to hot and then cool.

I'm no where near weaning yet, but I was told to freeze portions in ice cube trays and then once frozen transfer into a sealable bag to keep fresh xx
I freeze food like roasted vegetable chips in zip lock bags and then get a few out and microwave them.

I have a jillion little pots too which have apple/pear purée and mashed carrots/swede/sweet potato in the freezer. You can buy them in boots for a couple of quid for 8 I think. They hold an oz. the tommy tippee ones are good too.

You can sterilise them if you want, though I don't bother with sterilising that sort of stuff now. Just wash it in hot water and soap and air dry.
Fish pie is great! cheesy mash and i add spinach, peas, leeks and eggs to mine to make it super healthy!!

When it was pureed it did come out a bit green looking but know i don't need to anymore so looks a lot more appetising - my lo's absolute favourite!

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