Really Worried :(


Well-Known Member
Jun 16, 2005
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Ladies i really need some help in reassuring myself every little niggle and ache etc i get im so worried im absolutely scared of getting to the next scan and they find no heartbeat im sorry i know its not what anyone wants to hear but after whats already happened i dont think i could face that again and i certainly cant go on driving myself with worry as im doing :cry:
hun what your feeling is totally natural! try not to worry, i know easier said than done, but seriously, everything will be fine hunny. hope your ok. :hug: :hug:
Please try not to worry I am sure that everything is OK. One of my biggest worries was that I would get to the 12 week scan and there would either be no baby or no heartbeat, I think its a worry everyone has and especially as your experience you've had.

I think feeling aches, twinges etc is a really good sign that things are still growing.

Please try not to worry, I do understand, I thought I would worry less after my 12 week scan but I think I am just the same as before!!! :hug:
Hi flossy :wave: :hug:

Please try not to worry as that wont be doing you or baby any good, easier said than done i know after the terrible experience youve had :hug: :hug:

I have aches and pains and niggles all the time every day, some days i have preg symptoms sometimes i dont and some days i dont even "feel" pregnant at all. Please try and relax luv, your not having painful cramps or any bleeding then im sure its just your body preparing for your growing baby :hug: :hug: :hug: Everytime i move funny or sneeze i get an agonising pain in either my left side or my right, its just ligaments stretching because of the growing baby, Take care hun and try and relax :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
Could you try some relaxation or yoga? I know it must be so hard not to worry after what you have been through but it is important that you dont get too stressed :hug: :hug: :hug:
I know exactly how you feel - and really echo what everyone else says. You'll be fine - the fact you're getting aches and twinges is a really good sign. It means everything is stretching (which means baby is still growing!!). Honestly the amount of times i asked my doc or midwife if these pains where normal, and all said absolutely yes..

I'd had a m/c last year, and it definitely impacted on how nervous i was this time round. Those first 3 months were really quite miserable simply because i was so worried. But you're past the earliest dangers now (most m/c are before the 10 week mark) so all in all it sounds like you're having a text book pregnancy!

Just try to relax, and i promise once you've had your scan you'll start to believe it's all going well. I know i cried at my scan because of the sheer relief!!

So chin up, and allow yourself to start enjoying the fact you're going to become a mum!
KateQPR said:
Just try to relax, and i promise once you've had your scan you'll start to believe it's all going well. I know i cried at my scan because of the sheer relief!!

So chin up, and allow yourself to start enjoying the fact you're going to become a mum!

Ditto :hug: :hug: That last line made me cry, damn hormones!! :hug: :hug:
I know how you feel its very worrying, have you had any early scans? Maybe you could ask the EPU for a reassurance scan to put your mind at ease. :hug:
Thanks ladies :hug: I know i should try and not worry easier said than done sometimes. I had a scan at 8 weeks due to bleeding (being loads aswell) and they scanned me and found a heartbeat but the bleeding was due to a haematoma behind the yolk sack. Im hoping it has absorbed itself if ot they said il bleed as i have done but to go back if it becomes heavy or im cramping. Thankfuly ive had nothing since then so im hoping all's well :pray:
Aw Flossy it is horrible worrying isnt it? And as much as you tell yourself to stop it because you know it is not good to worry, it is so hard isnt it? And on top of what you have already been thru. :hug:

I had a really terrible weekend.....cramping across my belly, pain on one side and almost contraction like twinges quite high up. At one point i could hardly get into the car it was so uncomfortable. After phoning Nhs 24 i realised that i was so constipated (havnt been for a poo since last thursday :( ) They reassured me (especially since i had no bleeding) that most of what i was feeling, was my relaxed bowels contracting to try and shift everything along. Thankfully i have now got a prescription for lactulose :cheer:

Sometimes i sit and close my eyes and try and imaging what is going on inside my body right now....i think about how much my uterus has grown and stretched already. I think it is now the size of an orange. Now when you think, that orange sized uterus is still tucked up below your pelvic bone where it was once the size of a pea maybe!! There is a lot going on in there - growing and stretching and expanding lol!!

Sorry, i have gone on and on lol....just wanted to take your mind off things for 5 mins and try and reassure you that we are all feeling these niggles too.

:hug: :hug:
dont worry!!!! i know it's hard not to...
i had an early scan as well due to bleeding and pain and they found my LO's heartbeat. i'm still having few pains and cringes.... this morning was awful, first time at work after being off for a while, having lots of pain. got worried and then i realised that my breakfast had just been a banana. had something more substantial to eat and pain stopped (still a bit of twinges but nothing major). I WAS JUST HUNGRY!!!!!

You'll see everything will be great and your baby will be kicking and waving on your 12 week scan. :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:
just try not to let the hospital try to scare you either because they have a habbit of that.
Tommy was my first and they said he would be a large baby ok he weigh 8.9 big as im really small but he isnt a big baby to be honest his so tiny and didnt even need any drugs to get him out.
People often tell you storys to as people at work said they didnt find it easy and they would never do it again but i am so bad on pain but ill have as many as i can fit out of me he he.
And as for the scans youll worry until you see and youll be just thinkin bout wht it look like after you seen lil 1, but some ppl dnt feel nuttin inside them and other ppl feel kicks and everything at eary stages, i think i speak for all women tho when i say every 1 is different and all deffently have a different birth so exspect your self for every sort of worry births and everything i got all my drugs ready i wantded etc and didnt need them so ... good luck x

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