Really worried


Well-Known Member
Jan 22, 2005
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I have all the symptoms of pregnancy: ab discomfort, high temp, missed AF (3 days), high CP, nausea etc....BUT I have now completed 3 preg tests and all have been BFN.... I am always a 28 day girl so this is really unusual - what else could cause these symptoms?
Why don't you wait 48 hours and do another test?

Are you using ultra sensitive tests?
i'm not really sure...
doesn't sound like much fun though.
i know that a p test may not detect the pregnancy hormone if there is only a little bit, ie. you're only a tiny bit pregnant.
i have also heard that sometimes an eptopic prenancy might not be detected by a test...
might be worth getting a blood test from your doc to be sure, then at least you'll know what's going on.
good luck and try and stay calm xxx
Hi i thought you may of only have been a day late cause we are due the same time, have you got your days wrong?. You may be worrying too much with the tests. You should give it 24 hours before testing again. It does sound quite positive. Make sure u dont always get your tests off the internet. Good luck
I was due on Tuesday/Wednesday. I really cannot understand it...I am very worried that there may be something wrong with me if I am not pregnant...I am having all the symptoms I had before and also a bad back (sciatica I think). I will go to the doctors tommorrow to get checked out.....The only thing I can think of is the fact I know I ovulated slightly later this month so the HCG may not be detected yet..I HAVE NEVER MISSED A PERIOD OR BEEN LATE IN 16 YEARS OF HAVING THE DAMN THINGS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!AAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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