really want it!!!


Well-Known Member
Aug 17, 2006
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ahh i'm sorry but i jut have to say this... i really want to be pregnant!!!

this only 4th month TTC but i just really want it to happen...i know some of you have been trying for a lot longer i am just having one of those days...

Nikki xx
Hey Nikki,

So sorry you are feeling down - when are you testing this month - is it soon?

Praying for a BFP for you very soon.

Valentine xxx

AF is due mon to wed next week so will see what happens then!

I'm like that too.

2 years ago I suddenly REALLY wanted a baby, talked to hubby and didn't go for my next depo jab. Only started having AF again in March and didn't try proper until May.

Now I'm starting to think if I can ever have a baby. :wall:

Good luck for this month.

good luck to you too. i am sure it will happen for us both
hope u get yours soon , been trying a year now (with a break to have laser surgery in may)and feels like forever , altho ive got a great feeling about this month and funny enough already 'feel' that i could be i think im being daft just cos i know ive ovulated theres so many more factors to it and i shouldnt get my hopes up :wall:
We were trying for about 6 months and I was devastated every month when I got BFN, then the minute I stopped thinking about it I got BFP.

I really hope you both get your BFP soon :hug:
Sorry you ae feeling down.... :hug:

Hope you get your BFP soon
can you get awaay for a break, take your mind off it a little?

A lot of us conceived whilst away on hols when it was put to the back of our minds .

Just a thought though :D

Good luck ,have everything crossed for you :hug: :hug: :hug:
i felt like you once. i was married for 5 years and used no form of contraception on the 'if it happens it happens' attitude. but nothing happened and there was always this niggle in my mind would it ever happen? is there something wrong with me? i wanted it real bad!
Turned out to be a blessing in disguise really as my marriage ended beginning of the year but am now with a lovely partner and have only been together 8 months and found out 3 weeks ago that we are expecting! i was so shocked to say the least especially after all those years.
it will happen for you one day hun trust me i didn't think it would for me.
good luck
It's so hard NOT thinking about it tho. :wall:

Can't get away due to his job. He's spent all in hols taking me to hospital (being in and out that much for various things)

Next year might be differant tho - we'll see (and hope!)

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