Really wanna eat Parma ham and goats cheese.....

maybe baby

Well-Known Member
Jul 12, 2010
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This might be a dumb question but how important is it to stay away from banned foods, especially when cooked..

I love goats cheese Parma ham and fig salad with balsamic dressing I'm dying for it right now....:shock:

I've had prawns in nice restaurants and scallops too, am I crazy to eat these things?

Any nice salad recipes??:)
I'm not sure. I have eaten eggs with a runny yolk quote a few times since second trimester, and I have eaten parma ham and pate too. There are higher risks of getting things like listeriosis and toxoplamosis (don't think they are spelt right!) which they say can harm baby, but I think if you eat them once or twice then your risk isn't going to be that high.

To be honest, the only thing that I have eaten regularly ( few times a month) is runny eggs, I have only eaten pate and parma ham twice.

The thing is, there are so many guidelines around what not to eat, it's hard to find stuff that you can eat! xx
To be totally honest i would not dare eat prawns and whatnot... shellfish is a big no-no. That's what my midwife said to me anyway!
There is loads of conflicting advice out there NHS say prawns and shellfish are ok, so long as they are properly cooked. Technically goats cheese might be ok so long as its been pasteurised, likewise if the Parma ham has been hot smoked then the heat will kill the bacteria, but the packet won't always tell you that.

It's the risk of birth defects that worries me more than the risk of food poisoning as we've been eating this stuff for years before we fell pregnant and been ok.
Thanks girls! :)

I went for tomato and mozzarella in the end I chickened out lol! :)

I really want a brie and cranberry crepe but yeah I just can't justify the risk, it's sooo hard but these chocolate buttons will do for now. :p
Isn't it always the way, the foods you can't have are the foods you crave!! lol
I really want stilton, but always thought it was a definite NO....but it says on NHS site that it's safe....not sure I believe this?
i think it depends if certain cheeses have been pasteurized or put through some kind of bacteria ridding process
I had a roasted pepper stuffed with cream cheese yesterday - cream cheese is ok right? :-/

It was only a tiny pepper, and I only had 1, but I'd already eaten it before I realised that maybe cream cheese wasn't a good idea! X

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Cream cheese is fine, as are prawns when cooked properly xxx

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I agree with FirstBabyEek and Kirsty.Y.84, if you eat a hell of alot of them I can see the risk, so long as it's all cooked and/or pasturised it should be okay.

I was eating pate on toast EVERYDAY before I found out I was pregnant, and I would have been very very early days of pregnancy and I was fine...

Now mums been and bought a tub of pate and I'm like salavating over it!!! Lol So tempting!
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Pâté is a line that you must not cross. It's not about harming you but the baby as it contains massive quantities of vitamin A that have very serious effect on the baby.
I eat goat cheese cooked and runny eggs and well cooked prawns.
I wouldnt touch pâté or anything made with liver and blue cheeses.
As about cold cuts of meat, I warm them until steam before work but then I pack them in sandwiched and have them in a cool pack until lunch at work. I am aware though that there is a risk of listeria because of that as cold temperature Dosent really stop listeria...
Pâté is a different idea though, there is not only a risk of a microbe to be there or not it's just massive dozes of vitamin A.

For those that they were saying that they were eating things before and they were fine. The immune system of a healthy person with one of a pregnant woman is incomparable. Risk of listeria for example is much much higher when you are pregnant than when you are not. So eating things before and being on Dosent even remotely guarantee that you can eat it while you are pregnant and still be ok.
I totally agree about the pate, I wouldn't touch the stuff because of the high vitamin A content, as you said, its not just about listeria, its more than taking a chance, its full on dangerous for baby.

Tbh, I prob wouldn't eat a runny egg either, even though I'd love soldiers dipped in to a runny boiled egg *drools* x

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I dont like runny eggs, pate, shell fish etc anyway....being a vegetarian I can still eat most things I always have eaten. The only thing I don't eat anymore is blue cheeses....and those I would kill for right now lol. For most, the odd small bit of these 'no no' foods during pregnancy probably won't do any harm, but if it we're me I don't think I would take the risk...

Oh parma ham :( how I miss it!!!

I don't eat goats cheese so I'm no expert, but I think that there are some types that you are still OK to eat. It's the "chevre" type that you're not allowed.

You can eat any of these things if they are cooked until piping hot... but lets be honest, cooked parma ham is just not the same.

I must admit I have taken my chances with the odd runny egg (one or two since becoming pregnant), but I wouldn't risk gooey cheeses or undercooked/raw meat as the risk factor is so much higher.

Prawns are fine as long as they are cooked (pink), it doesn't matter whether they are served hot or cold. The worst thing you could get from eating a dodgy cooked prawn is food poisoning, and food poisoning cannot be passed through the placenta to your baby, so it would only affect you.

EDIT: oops, I lied! I did have one slice of salami quite early on before I realised you weren't meant to eat it!
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out of interest...I was in our local co-op this morning, and spied some stilton cheese...had a look on the pack, and it stated on it 'not suitable for pregnant women'!!!. NHS sort it out!!
Mmmmm parma ham and salami soooo good I used to eat the mixed packets with an assortment how I miss them! Would risk it tho as if anything happened you would feel so guilty I will be getting the OH to stock up once I've had baby though! X
I realllly miss brie, mmmm. But I agree with those that warn against the risk. After I miscarried it was really hard not to look back and wonder if I'd done this or that wrong. If anything happens in the future I know I'll still struggle not to blame myself. I'd rather know that I did everything I could for the baby. For me, it's just not worth the risk! When in doubt, settle for a bar of chocolate, that's what I say!!
Been a bit naughty and had parma ham and baked camembert in breadcrumbs, it's without the rind though so should be ok.

I also found pasturized goats cheese in my deli! :)


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