Really twingey today...

Piglet's Mama

Well-Known Member
Oct 10, 2010
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...still not sure if it's BH I'm getting, but my bump does go hard then loosens up again a few seconds later. Also my bump is starting to ache - like it's pulling downwards and it's too heavy. And I keep getting sensations of needing a wee which are quite sharp but then it stops again a few secs later and I'm sure it's baby just wriggling but I'm getting a lot of pulling sensations and just feel bloody UNCOMFORTABLE! :oooo:
Sometimes I get the pulling/heavy feeling that bad I can't stand up straight! I also feel like as soon as I start walking I need a wee! Must be pressure from baby! X hope you feel more comfortable soon hun! Xx
I get this too and often feel like I can't stand up straight also! It often happens if I've had a busy day but sometimes it just happens anyway. I get all sorts of pains/twinges down there since I hit around 30 weeks. xx
I had a similar day today, had a mad desire to spring clean the house from top to bottom, but was having BH all through the hoovering, and finally put myself to bed for a rest. I think we are all at the stage now where baby is moving into position and the belly is generally more sensitive.
Still another 6 ish weeks to go though... how big are we expected to get???
I been getting very dull aches bit like periody on and off, also got a pain on my right abdomen add which I had back in tri 1 so I think he is leaning on something or other! Just keep waiting for signs and want labour to start!!


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