really scared about labour (its my 2nd child)


Well-Known Member
Oct 24, 2011
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My first labour was an emergancy induction that was traumatic and very rush where I only justgot him out in time...
Up until now I've not thought about it since just thanked my lucky stars for my son.
Since all the issues I've had this pregnancy from week 29 onwards, being told I could be early and the various health issues I now have especially my pulse / heartrate issues I've been fretting over labour...what if I cnt do it this time, what if my body fails me, what if we are not so lucky...
Seriously scared keep having panic attacks this week about it!! :-(
I can completely understand why your feeling so worried especially after your first labour- but remember that you'll be in a hospital and your drs and midwives are there to anticipate problems before they occur and if any do occur they are there to manage that problem and give YOU & BABY the best outcome :)

I think in general it's quite natural to have morbid thoughts - I think pregnancy & labour is a scary time and hormones don't help - we all turn into such worriers and sometimes our thoughts and fears can get quite morbid, I know I occasionally feel this way as do lots of other pfer's

I hope that early or late you have a really positive birth experience this time round- my personal mind set is I'm going to *try not to worry or stress about things until/if anything happens!

*when I say 'try' I really do mean try!

loads of love & hugs xxx
It must be so hard to be positive after having such a hard time last time. This is my first and I'm trying my hardest not to think about the birth too much but to take it all in my stride. That must be impossible the 2nd time round!! All I would say is everyone has told me that every birth is different and a difficult 1st labour doesn't mean a difficult 2nd labour.

This is probably not a very helpful response. I have no Idea what im talking about. Ha ha.

Big hugs anyway. Your certainly not alone in being scared! X
I can empathise hun, my pregnancy with my son was terrible and his labour was absolutely awful, worst experience that ended with my nightmare, c section. I am quite scared about this labour but I am just tellling myself what will be, will be. There is no point to get myself worked up over it as really I have limited control over what happens. I also have pulse/heartrate issues, my heart beats roughly 90-100 bpm constantly. I've had ecgs done and everything is fine, and I don't feel anxious, but when it happens continuously it does make me worried that my heart can't take it. I read online though that it is quite common for this to happen to pregnant woman, and my mw wasn't concerned about it at all or the hospital as my stats are all normal other than that.

We just have to focus on the baby that is coming, how we get them here we will deal with as and when it happens, but as long as they get here safe and sound is the main thing.


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