My first labour was an emergancy induction that was traumatic and very rush where I only justgot him out in time...
Up until now I've not thought about it since just thanked my lucky stars for my son.
Since all the issues I've had this pregnancy from week 29 onwards, being told I could be early and the various health issues I now have especially my pulse / heartrate issues I've been fretting over labour...what if I cnt do it this time, what if my body fails me, what if we are not so lucky...
Seriously scared keep having panic attacks this week about it!!
Up until now I've not thought about it since just thanked my lucky stars for my son.
Since all the issues I've had this pregnancy from week 29 onwards, being told I could be early and the various health issues I now have especially my pulse / heartrate issues I've been fretting over labour...what if I cnt do it this time, what if my body fails me, what if we are not so lucky...
Seriously scared keep having panic attacks this week about it!!