really need advice!!!


Well-Known Member
Jun 26, 2011
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I think I am having a chemical pregnancy without the bleeding! I got a positive on friday night and two (one being a cb digi) on saturday morning then today I took another and it's negitive!!!

I feel like my head is mashed! I had sore boobs most of last week but they stopped hurting on sunday. I really think I'm not pregnant. But have had no bleeding or spotting and because of work I can't get into the docs till thursday!
You can get false negatives hun. Maybe it was a faulty test? xxxxxxxx
i doubt it. It was a cb one! I think I'll just have to wait and see what the doctor says
i realy dont know stargirl its a weired one this is maybe the cb digi is dodgy? try not to panic and fingers crossed its just a dodgy test xxx
I've had a duff cb digi, although it came up with some weird error message and the egg timer took ages and ages on the screen.
Maybe your wee was too dilute??? Try again in a couple of days hun x
Thanks girls! I've done three test now which have all came back negative. I'm going the docs on thursday to confirm it. I know I'm not pregnant and although I am very sad I'm trying to stay positive. I'm just worried now as I haven't started to bleed.
Hey Star, Im so sorry to read this! I lost all aymptoms and felt and knew I was no longer pregnant in my heart but didnt bleed till a week later! I hope that you get on ok on Thursday honey!!!
Aw stargirl am so sorry to read this.

I remember my chemical, started off with really sore breats but after a big abdominal pain a few days later all the symptoms went & i 'knew' that it was gone.

:hug: :hug:
bless ya these chemicals are just pure evil :-( ,hope everything is ok and i know this sounds weired but hope ur af starts soon so u know where u are xxxxx
Thanks for your support ladies. I started bleeding yesterday! I'm feeling ok, just sad and disapointed at the moment. Still going to go the doctors on thursday just to get checked out!
Poor you, sorry to hear that. Hope doc goes ok. X
So sorry to hear this. I hope your ok. Mother nature sucks sometimes :hugs:
Hey hun, don't really know what to say as I've never experienced this but didn't want to read and run!! Big hugs for you hunni xx
Oh I'm so sorry! Those chemicals really are nasty buggers. I've had two and the first was such a similar tale your own, only I started bleeding immediately following one almighty cramp. I think I spent about £60 on pregnancy tests just in the four days since my first very faint BFP. Wishing you every success for your next time!!

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